Ignore them. If you can, should you try and stagger the time off with your s/o. Don't take it at the same time.
I said the same shit to my senators and Schumer https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/message-chuck. If they don't vote no, I won't vote Dem ever again. Tired of it.
I'll be calling my senators, but I also left a message to Schumer https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/message-chuck
You will get different answers. Some people like proxmox with ZFS. You can run vms and lxc containers pretty easily. Some people like running everything in a container and using podman or docker. Some people like to raw dog it and just install everything on bare metal ( I don't recommend this approach though).
The setup I currently have are 3 servers. One server for compute. This is where I run all my services from. 1 server for storage. 1 server for backup storage.
The compute server is set up with an NFS share that connects to the storage server. These all have a 10gbe nic on a 10gbe switch.
If I could go back and redo this setup again, I would make a few changes. I do have a few NVMe drives in my storage server for the NFS share. The compute server has the user home directories on there, as well as the permanent files for the containers that have volumes. This makes it easy for me to backup that data to the other server as well.
With that said, I kinda wish I went with less storage and built out a server using mostly nvmes. My mobo doesn't do bifurcation on its x16 slots and so I can only get 1 NVMe per slot. It's a waste. Nvmes can run somewhat hot, but are smaller and easier to cool than platters. Plus it's faster to rebuild if something were to happen. You could probably get away with using 1 parity drive because of this.
I would still need a few big drives for my media, but that data is not as critical to me in the event I lost something there.
What I would look for in a storage system are the following:
- mobo with rdimm memory
- bifurcation pcie slots to add adapter cards for NVMe drives or lots of NVMe slots on the mobo.
- if doing 10gbe, use sfp+ nics and a sfp+ switch (runs cooler). Then you would just get sfp cables instead of cat6/6e.
- management port (ipmi)
- as much memory as you can afford
With those requirements in mind, something like an ASRock server motherboard using an AMD epyc would normally fit the bill. I have seen bundles go for about 600-700 on AliExpress.
As far as the OS. I treat the storage server as an appliance. I have truenas on there. This is also the reason I have a separate computer server as it makes it easier for me to manage services the way I want, without trying to hack the truenas box. This makes it easy to replicate to my backup since that is also truenas. I have snapshots every hour and those get backed up. I also have cloud backup for critical data every hour.
Last, but not least, I have a vps server so I can access my services from the internet. This uses a wireguard tunnel and forwards from the vps to the compute server.
For the compute server, I am managing mostly everything with saltbox. Which uses ansible and docker containers for most services.
No matter what you choose, I highly recommend ZFS for your data. Good luck!
LLMs are smart, they are just not intelligent