what did they need all the severed dicks for?
while ago on a whim i bought the type of chin up bar that fits in a door frame. i'm a skinnyfat lazy bastard and am not motivated to exercise at all, but putting it up so it's just there when you walk about the place makes it somehow more enticing than some equipment you have to specifically make time to use
Axate (used to be called Agate) is trying something like this. Popbitch (sue me) use it to charge 0.25 per article or 0.50 for access for a week, but it doesn't seem to be very widespread
I tried on firefox with ublock turned off and the microtransaction box after the faded out text still didn't display so it might have some way to go yet
fair enough. i picked those out as sort of 'mainstream' countries that this kind of article doesn't get published about, while i've seen them about japan a few times now. be interesting to contrast immigration rates to countries with similarly difficult language and cultural barriers but that's a bigger job i haven't the time for now
to this article's credit it does end with a couple of paragraphs on the korean government attempts to support "work-family balance, childcare and housing"
this story comes out every so often about japan, rarely if ever mentions (slightly) lower births per woman in italy, china, spain, or the same 1.3 as e.g. poland, finland, canada
those are 2022 figures but i doubt there's been significant change
there's basically no first world country above the 2.1 replacement rate
tbh even the crowdfunding site
linked from the official info site
is fishy as hell, a fundie christian setup with a prayer wall page and funding campaign categories including 'church,' 'evangelism,' and 'mission'
see also the citations on its wikipedia page - history of far right stuff
ptb ofc
but just because i was curious, the popup in question:

thanks aslan!
amusingly the link works fine if you remove all the parameters and displays no popup at all