to be fair that was in the prequels, which sucked ass
thunderous applause
That was the day for peaceful resistance.
twice the orange shit was impeached, and the republicans did not remove him from office.
then the orange shit was found guitly of 34 felonies and was let off the hook. technically convicted but no punishment.
the systems, checks and balances that should have prevented this situation were tried, but congress / senate did not hold him accountable and punish him. they figured they would end up with more power and money if they let him do what he wanted and so are letting him.
that's basically it. unless there's some sort of miracle (and i really doubt there will be) democracy is over in the united states. you just watched the grand old experiment fail.
weird way to spell "run DOOM" but okay.
holy shit these are the netbooks i've been looking for
Tom Knight and the Lisp Machine
A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
Knight turned the machine off and on.
The machine worked.
Source: Section IIIA
Corporations would happily use slave labor if that was legal.
Source: The United States prior to 1865
just like pointers
:fingerguns: this person gets it
Actually thinking passes values.
Speaking passes references.
Funny thing, it's just a box full of Nokia 3110's. The batteries last just fine all the way through the lunar night.