That's a nude egg I won in my game!
joined 2 years ago
Ubisoft's grudging crawlback to Steam continues with achievements for Watch Dogs 2 added a mere 9 years after release
But why not cook the onions first, then remove them from the pan? Additionally, why have additional liquid in the pan when you would add the onions? I generally add mushrooms after cooking my onions and the liquid from the mushrooms is able to keep the onions from charring/burning.
In my experience, cooking the onion first is the always the right move. The only argument I could see against it is when frying peppers or carrots or potatoes or some other vegetables that may take longer to char or cook through. Even then, it's not exactly wrong, just a higher risk of maybe charring the onions.
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I'm sorry you had this experience but I didn't read the majority of the lore dumps, and either flung myself using the ship to solve the majority of puzzles or just kept fucking around until I figured it out. I wish you had a better time playing it.