Right, defending allies is sooo edgy.
The worst cops aren't always where you'd expect. Cops in Seattle and Austin are atrocious, for example, but Dallas, despite generally being much more conservative, has a much more professional police force in my experience.
It's adorable that you think Canadians would be allowed to vote. I'm not even sure Americans will be allowed to vote much longer.
The smugness of parents who say people who choose differently are selfish is a great example of how parenthood can make someone a worse person.
It's not guaranteed you'll enjoy it or be good at it. That would be a huge gamble to take with my own life, but if there's a kid involved I'm gambling with their life, too. I could never do something like that in good conscience.
You sound like someone with undiagnosed ADHD.
And you sober up after a while and gain the ability to evaluate whether the experience was worthwhile. I'd try being a parent if I only had to commit to about 12 hours of it at a time.
My parents took me to a lot of places as a kid to make good memories for me. It didn't work. My whole childhood is mostly just a big blur in my memory.
So nobody can arrive at any conclusions about complex topics? That's like saying we can't quantify global warning because climate science is complex.
And the people complaining that people who want to support Ukraine against an outside invasion are warmongers can go fuck themselves with a cactus.
Before or after they put boots on the ground to "liberate America from liberal tyranny"?