I wish I could do that too. But that feels too much like looking away. But I don't read every post that comes in.
The Dutch have yet to update the travel advice: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies/verenigde-staten-van-amerika
But I wouldn't go to the United States, even if they were to give me millions.
I'm too critical of Trump on my socials, I'll be Room 101'ed immediately.
usually they advise vinegar.
Rules for thee, none for me... the unofficial official republican slogan.
I had never heard of it.
How do you keep that spring clean?
Garbage disposal? in sinks? What's that?
Good point, but given that I don't say anything in my bed room (I live alone, and I don't date), I wish it good luck hearing anything.
Succumb... Scorn... Sob... (but in fancy lettering)
Yeah it kinda sounds like it. The eier kind of sounds like hey, and koeken sounds a bit like Google.
I've had a few other accidental activations, that I couldn't explain that easily, even from podcasts, that I decided that I didn't need it. But in Android Auto I couldn't find to option to turn off the activation phrase, so instead I turned it off completely.
For alternatives, there's Wikiloc: https://www.wikiloc.com/
And perhaps GeoVelo: https://geovelo.app/en/