
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

Just installed Feeder from F-Droid. The app is empty right now.

What global news source with RSS do you recommend that's not spammy and mostly unbiased?

Goku (
[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Have you given audiobooks a try? You can also start with books with simple words, slowly understand it over the weeks with a dictionary by the side maybe.

Some books are fun! Try them if you can, at your own pace :)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Do you read any books/novels?

If you do, Which ones? How's the reading experience for you?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

"A right man in a wrong place can make all the difference in the world"

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

Yes, it is.


For me it's DJ Peach Cobbler. I've been watching his videos since he had around 2,000 subscribers. Now it's nearly 450,000.

He used to mostly make videos on games, now he does a lot of history stuff too. He also has a little satirical news show, and a few tasteful shitposts. A really diverse YouTube channel.

What's your favorite YouTube channel that's not a mainstream big-name like pewdiepie, mrbeast, ksi, etc...?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Bold of you to assume I ever pay for any movies 🏴‍☠️


I'll probably watch it once, have some dumb fun watching it and move on.

Also the opening line in the new official trailer "As a child, I yearned for the mines" is just.... chef's kiss had me rolling xD

Who knows? I might get to extract some fun out of the cringe dialogue and uncanny CGI.

I don't understand why it gets THAT much hate though, before it's even released. Maybe it's just the internet amplifying everything.

May be very shit opinion, feel free to disagree / attempt to correct

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago

Even if it's nearly impossible to reach the light at the end of the tunnel, we can still find salvation and meaning in our lives by hoping we'll reach it someday.

The only other choice is to accept our doomed existence, and live a life of darkness.

Or maybe light a candle and decide to be the light yourself, no matter how small.


What if protonmail, gmail or whatever email provider you are using goes belly-up? Are all your accounts doomed?

If so, what are some preventive measures? Adding backup emails to your registered accounts?


This laptop was originally sold with Windows 7 32-bit edition installed. Even back then it was really unresponsive and clunky. After several years of it lying around and being useless, I decided to do a really lightweight debian install on it.

And guess what? It can do so much more than sit idly in some landfill.

Now I can use it to write my study notes in neovim (gives me a good excuse to learn vim, and I'm learning slowly), listen to music with gst123, learn c and c++, torrent large files with transmission-cli and qbittorrent, and the list goes on....

I mostly just use tty. I hit "startx i3" if I absolutely need a GUI, but for everything else, tty. I use links2 for Wikipedia, online resources and browsing memes which is already a big chunk of my internet usage. I was really giddy when I saw Tor browser had a 32-bit version, it runs surprisingly well even with less than 1 gigabyte of memory (unless I visit some really bloated sites)

I can't play videos though, that's the one major thing it can't do. The integrated GPU is unsupported so playing videos or 3d-gaming is out of the question.

BTW is there a lemmy instance/frontend I can use via CLI or links2?


This is an Acer Aspire one laptop, with a 32 bit CPU and Debian 12.7. Whenever I install Linux on it, the Internet works for about one day. And when I boot it up the next day, it just stops working. This is the case for WiFi, Ethernet and USB tethering via Android.

After running networkctl it gave me this:

I can ping in this state, but not I can't open websites in Firefox either.

Then I ran "sudo systemctl start systemd-networkd". The networkctl output changed but everything worked exactly as the above two images. Couldn't open websites still.

Yesterday everything was working perfectly

Edit: Thanks to @[email protected] and @[email protected] I finally have internet access on my 12-year old e-waste!


This laptop has one hard disk with two partitions. One of them has a bunch of data. I can't delete the data at all, dolphin(the file manager) gives a "not enough permissions error". When I try to delete stuff with rm it displays this:

rm: cannot remove 'filename': Read-only file system

What do I do?

EDIT: I backed up the data and reformatted the partition. This completely broke my install and fedora wouldn't open at all. I popped in a live USB, backed up some other stuff and I am reinstalling fedora right now (writing this from the live installer :P)

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I had installed Debian on an Acer Aspire One Laptop. It has a 32-bit Intel Atom CPU with just 1GB of RAM. I obviously can't run it like a usual desktop anymore, it's way too slow.

I tried it to connect it to my TV with HDMI to create some sort of "Smart TV" setup, but that didn't work out because I can't even play 1080p videos on VLC with it smoothly.

So.... What now? Can I only use it for headless stuff like pihole, nextcloud, etc. now?

Is there any hope left for my unsuccessful "Smart TV" contraption?


I torrented a few episodes from 1337x, but they are quite compressed/low-quality. Is this the best there is or is there a higher quality version hidden somewhere? It wasn't originally filmed it at such a low quality, right?

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