In certain driving conditions it can improve cornering, but for most cases, oem recommended angles are best. Extreme negative camber is purely cosmetic and wears out your tires in weird ways.
I did. And also got into lapsang souchong because of an interview with Patrick Stewart where he mentioned it's his favorite type along with Yorkshire Gold. He asked to use that on the show, but the producers thought it would be too obscure or hard to remember and changed it to Earl Grey.
Midwest where? I don't know if Michigan counts but I've never heard anyone pronounce it that way.
I like my Denon Heos setup: 2 TVs, home theater, receiver in my office connected to my computer and speakers in 7 other locations. Works great with Music Assistant, and doesn't require a cloud connection. It can pull firmware updates if you want but I've blocked all Internet access for those devices with no loss of functionality.
The problem would be getting it back out. The post only says 1 teleport, nothing about getting home again.
Accession to NATO usually requires border disputes to be resolved. Last I knew Canada, the US and Turkey were also standing in the way.
For about a month until it's shut down as insufficiently worshipful to our corporate overlords.
MAC is useless as a component of the security check. It's trivial to change; either with a dongle, as you said, or in the network configuration of every major and minor OS.
Skype was a steaming pile for sure, but it had the ability to search for and message a distribution group and get an answer from whomever was available and I could pin it for future use. Now I have to know every name in a group and message them individually until I find someone to help or start a meeting to get everyone at once. It may just be how our Teams instance is configured, but I miss that feature. And who decided there should be a limit on how many people I can pin in Teams?
So like reavers, but more humane.
Another stupid looking crossover/small SUV with a horse on the grill does not equal sport sedan
If your monkey dies, the dates were bad, not sure if it works for prunes though.