Yes, and I like it.
But I’m really more of a Chai tea man.
Yes, and I like it.
But I’m really more of a Chai tea man.
I’m sorry, that second one is not “Kevin”. That’s MacGyver’s grandfather…
Thanks for the info, I did not know that.
I have always understood that the show wasn’t filmed on actual film, making an HD version difficult and/or impossible via traditional methods.
I could be wrong about that though, and would love to have an HD version of DS9 someday!
Anyone else love the large, physical controls on the original Enterprise?
LCARS is cool, and the Cardassian version on DS9 definitely stands out. But the blinking lights and status indicators on the old 1701 (no bloody A, B, C, or D…) has a special place.
Thank you, I thought I was going to have to post this…
That’s awesome. Very 1960s Star Trek, in a good way.
The Shire
Well, there is the old Vulcan saying “Only Nixon could go to China.”
This person knows what they are talking about.
I’m the same in that I was in elementary school when the NES was “the thing to have”… but I don’t think we could afford it at the time.
When I asked my parents for an NES for my seventh birthday in 1989, I got a 2600 and 40-ish games instead. Years later my mom told me she bought the whole thing at a yard sale for about $40.
It wasn’t the latest and greatest… but I didn’t care. I loved it. I had a great time exploring the cartridges, most of them had manuals to go with them, and playing with my dad.
An uncle would later give us an old 386 PC and I played DOS games on it.
I did get a SNES around 1992, so I did have my fair share of Nintendo as a kid. But I certainly didn’t start there and knew that there was more to video games than Nintendo.
I was still playing my 2600 and SNES when I graduated from high school, along with playing CRPGs on the family computer too.
I agree, but knowing it’s from Norway makes me feel more comfortable with the idea of using it than if it was made in the US…. (And I’m American…)