Please tell us! I personally have no idea
Maybe! But the "Enhanced Tracking Protection" option does show up in my MacOS too (under the shield icon menu) along with the one I want under the padlock icon menu, so I have both in there.
EDIT: I love your avatar :)
It looks great! Have you thought about painting it to make it look less 3D-printed? Using a can of primer you can make the print lines less obvious, and then use a weather proof paint on top.
It's bleeding
I didn't know about ThinLinc. I'll give it a try! I tried before with VNC and xRPD, but could not succeed with multiple users. Thanks!
I tried that, but I was not able to make it work as I was expecting. I might give it a second try. Thanks!
I didn't know about those! I'll take a look. Thank you!
I didn't know about that one! I'll give it a try. Thanks for your help!
I don't get it either! It's a good article and I 100% agree with the author. Maybe it's because it's talking about a service and the whole article can be considered as advertisement, but I don't agree.
Is it possible that one of the devices has been connected to the Internet and those new nodes you see come from MQTT? You can disable that option if that's the case.