He'll get the kissinger treatment and be rolled out to 'prestigious' public events like olympic basketball in roder to shore up his credibility as a 'great american', (that the US gov even used an insulation strategy like this was a huge tell on their assessment of HK's war crim status)
Plex is the current war front. May it hold for many years
the idea of stockpiling a lifetimes AV entertainment being within normie's grasp must have media congloms terrified. Problem is - that accessibility poses risks for us filesharers too, cause a panicked animal is an aggressive one
Can't object to what you (normally) can't see.
Depends on what value you place on your consumption data. I'd argue the scheme participants are the ones paying a premium.
You're thinking about about it all wrong. Treat it like a 3€ per month sub and a 2€ donation to one of the leading lights/centers of expertise for digital freedom and privacy. Or a €4.50 fee and a €.50 donation. Or €2.50 each way.
There's nothing truly vital in 2020s filmmaking that its counterparts weren't similarly adept at 50/70/100 years ago. The stuff that really counts like acting. editing and scene composition doesn't corrode over the decades because it's gold
I wonder whether it ever occurs to normies that surrendering PII in order to transact amounts to hidden cost inflation
Alfred emerged from the densest part of the eucalptus grove. All around him, his tiny bots unobtrusively kept pace. Every one was in violation of local law, containing not a single chip in thrall to the Department of Homeland Security. While Vaz continued to play Bollywood exec through the public net, these devices provided him with his own network and countermeasures.
Rainbows End (Vernor Vinge)
I don't have a reason to read anything into it. Public speaking is a nervewracking activity, and everyone who's done it can recall one thing they did in the spotlight that they would never have done outside it - a certain turn of phrase, a verbal tic, a gesture, a tone. A man with a long track record of awkward public behaviour, and a bad public speaker at that, tells an audience his heart goes out to them, and then gestures emphatically to that effect. I know that calls for shit-flipping and general hysteria on Lemmy.World, but that's because LW is for all intents and purposes the 'Reddit instance', not because Musk's behaviour was inherently offensive.
It would have been so easy for the ADL to pile on and call it fascist, given its own backgound. Whether they are right or not isn't important, what matters is they were slow to judge. Perhaps there's some political calculus in that choice, perhaps not. We know who took the easy option though: Ocasio-Cortez, leading from behind (like all politicians do) by working out her constituency's bias, then airing that bias publicly.
You're not sick of technology you're sick of not having real control of technology
Pure economy 🎨
Thanks I was missing that square on my corporate web service bingo card