A surprisingly large number of people don't vote. I refuse to believe that anything approaching half of voting-age Americans support this. Unfortunately, here we are.
I got this. For those that don't, search about reiserfs and the author's criminal history.
One can be both smart and stupid at the same time.
So they are monitoring basically everyone.
I want one of these in my bud-hole.
NGL, this sounds pretty awesome.
I'm in this picture and I don't like it.
The "Auto Care" sign in the back of the frame really makes this photo a banger.
Me when the first meds kicked in: Wow, this is what silence sounds like? It's quite peaceful and lovely. I should take a nap.
So at least it should trip when the squirting blood shorts it.
But here's a pizza party for the crew! Be sure to only have one slice so there's enough to go around.