My cats name is Jimmy and sometimes I call him Oggy, especially when he's chasing bugs (no cockroaches here but I hope you get the reference)
Lmaooo underrated comment
I recently learned this and bought one of those sieve tongs , but because I still have a bunch of tea bags left over, I opted to just rip them open and put the tea in the tongs. Works like a treat, once you figure out how to rip them without spilling everything lol
Oops, must have overlooked it. Thanks!
There was another app, but that was a closed beta and I just couldn't find it until I searched for the full package name, not just the display name. So yeah, boost is th e only app I'm having issues with so far. Which really surprises me, too.
The thing in the middle under the display? I'd assume its a scrolling wheel, kinda like on your mouse but very wide
Maybe full auto? Just a guess.
Yup, you can just edit the amount of items you scanned. Also makes it easier to "scan" an item in bulk.
They dont check the cart weight, instead they just randomly pick out people where they go through their scanned items and check that nothing else is in the cart. I'm being checked about once every 20 times I go.
Perfection is the enemy of progress. You need to think more long-term.
Who says the government needs to remove them? There could be a grace period of a year or maybe several years, during which people already owning a gun can apply for a license and receive the necessary training. Those who don't want to get the license can come in to prove they made the firearm unusable. Anyone else owing a gun can be made liable after that grace period. This would minimize necessary resources.
Also, a proper government should be able to focus on several things. And I do think daily school shootings is something worth focusing on.
Elections in the US aren't really all that fair TBH.