
joined 1 year ago
[–] 25 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

I teach kids, and a lesson I have with them is on "context".

The game of tag, is it good or bad?

Well, on the playground it is good, really fun actually!

But in music class or at the library? It's really bad.

The game didn't change, the context did. Same goes with parenting imo. In fact I'd go so far as to say that teaching your kids to be considerate of the spaces they are in is a good thing.

I grew up with my mom telling us to keep our hands behind our back when going into an antique store or to be polite at the dinner table, and I was always invited to dinners and nice places by my friends parents because they knew I'd behave.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Also didn't the Supreme Court just rule that you can't charge the president for crimes made in their official capacity? He can just say it was in his official capacity to ignore the orders so tough titties.

[–] 11 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Where's Rachel!?

[–] 34 points 5 days ago (8 children)

Ai is getting so much better, but I can still tell this is AI but now I'm not sure why. Something's off and I can't quite put my finger on it.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

It wasn't until the invention of the skateboard and baseball cap that pizza delivery could even become a thing at all

[–] 13 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Idk I've always noticed he doesn't give AF about reality. He just lies and if called out he just doubles down on his lies until he breaks the electorate and he gets elected again.

I used the same strategy to hide that I was smoking weed to my parents.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Also I never understood "take it slow". What's slow? 90 days? A year? 2 years? A decade?

Then there's the "you should be single for a bit". Okay I've been single for 5 months, but then "no I've been single for two years". You mean I'm not supposed to have intimacy for some arbitrary amount of time? I'm supposed to ignore any advance by anyone no matter how great they may be? I've missed so many good eggs that way.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Right, I think I let this thread drifted into what someone should do generally. I'm trying to figure out what I can do. The thing is, I can't own a gun because I've been in a mental ward. I've never fought anyone and at a deep level I don't think I can actively kill anyone. Someone with the means and mentality should absolutely do that.

I'm looking more to see how I can use the tools I have to make a difference.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

You're right, this time may be different. It's stopping a full on war with our family, so that may bring bigger and more explosive protests that could tip the scales.

Maybe I've been just expecting the worst outcome of any event now.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I'm not ruling out violence, I'm just ruling out ineffective violence. There are other avenues where violence may be more effective.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I guess the thing that stinks is I'm in a Blue™️ state and in one of the most uncooperative cities to the Trump administration.

That said while it feels like all the districts I'm in are further anti Trump to most, there are many shades of Blue™️ who may need pushing, and many kinds of bills to be pushed.

So yeah everyone listen to Zak

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (7 children)

It's not so much the violence, but the fact that it was for nothing. We've lost everything, and trying the same thing over and over just won't cut it. I assume there will be protests, but I don't think that's going to be enough, and may not have the ROI we need.


Personally I feel more connected to the Vancouver BC/ Seattle/ Portland corridor than with the rest of the US, so I feel more comfortable saying I'm a Cascadian than an American.


I usually assume when Europeans complain about American beers, they just are complaining about our "domestic" beers like Bud Light, Coors, PBR, etc. which makes sense, they are our bottom shelf beers.

I recently chatted with someone at a party who said "no, all American beers are bad" including microbrewery beers.

I've never been to Europe so I wouldn't know, but I do like my Left Handed Milk Stout, NWPAs, and hell even the hipstered out IPAs.

Are these what y'all are referencing?


Heaven is a peanut farm

One for you and me

With friends and music, banquets and balls

And a good man named Jimmy


Heaven is a peanut farm

Surely it's the best

There's a porch with a sleeping dog

One where you can find rest


They say there is a man out there

Who made sure every heart he would fill

When God said "it's okay, you can stop your work now"

He said "no, I don't think I will"


When you come to this peanut farm

You will be filled with this delight

Friends and family, we gather 'round

To wish Mr. Carter goodnight


Edit: Downvote me daddy


Mark your calendars everyone. We have a new national holiday. was something I stole from that other site, and with very minimal work I rode on the hard work of others to give me a feeling of superiority. I am so proud of all the work I took credit for, and for all the maps that create a reality we'd rather live in.

This is a fantastic Christmas gift, and I will donate all the money I have made on this site to the Church of Latter Day Saints and also the Church of the Satanic Temple just to cover my bases. I hope we all celebrate tonight by drinking a handle of hand sanitizer, snorting some ketamine, giving whipits to at risk youth, and fighting a cop with a sword.

We have done some amazing work, and I have made some amazing announcements to celebrate arbitrary subscription milestones which is what head mods do I guess. I want to thank for constantly posting at the expense of their family and friends, for teaching me how to sniff glue, for their posts and commitment to corporate espionage, and for all of you who came here by mistake. You may never leave.

Happy Holidays and I hope you have an unhinged new year,



So I thought that BlueSky was set up just like Lemmy in that it was fully decentralized into a sort of "terrorist cell" structure that wasn't focused on profits, but then found out that BlueSky has a CEO. Since this is a business, what makes BlueSky fundamentally different from Twitter or Instagram?

I feel like so long as a social media platform exists through monetization (in some form or another private companies need to make money), we are ultimately replacing one dictator with another.


I was in 5th grade when my dad told me about the Nuremberg trials and the subsequent Milgram experiments.

Edit Wtf you sick perverts, I was talking about when your parents talk to you about authority bias and how you need to be suspicious of power structures that tell you to do things that you would normally consider horrible acts.

Jesus you can't talk about Nazis without someone dragging out Sex Ed these days smh


(the verses should read kinda like "short skirt/ long jacket")

Have you heard of a vore fetish

That's the one where you wanna get ate

Wanna be an ingredient on binging with babish

Wanna turn into a soup that is great


Other girls choose the bear for safety

You choose the bear for other reasons

Other girls wanna dress with the times

You wanna be the dressing and all of the seasons


I can't believe it

No not again

Just trying to date

Can't tell my friends


Have you ever heard of the sadists

All they want is to give you pain

They might say they feel bad about it

But then they say it's hard to explain


She says she gonna tear me down

I said not if I build you up first

But maybe I should get the hell out of town

Because I'm not gonna be Dahmer's dessert


I can't believe it

No not again

Just trying to date

Can't tell my friends


Have you heard of the bug catcher fetish

That's the one where they wanna get sick

Have you ever heard of the joe fetish

It's the one where Joe Mama's on my dick


Have you heard of the disaster artist

Pretty sure he's DB cooper in disguise

Have you ever heard of the country of Finland

It doesn't exist don't believe the lies


There are men living in my guitar strings

In my lightbulbs is a little gnome

They all like to tell me to burn things

Leave the gas stove on at home


I can't believe it

No not again

Just trying to date

Can't tell my friends

Anyway yea that date had more red flags than the Soviet Union


cross-posted from:

i fixed Chile issue


The Pacific Northwest is now getting Cyclones (Pacific Hurricanes)

I think I speak for many PNW folks when I say we always thought that was more of a Florida thing.


Maybe I'm just exhausted from getting little sleep last night and feeling really sad, but I could use some support.

I've [30m] started dating again since my last break up. For context, I've had a pattern of meeting people, looking for the best in them, get kinda excited although realistically I have reservations, and then within 4 months the whole thing blows up.

I'm off the dating apps because they get me down, and I've only dated friends a few times because I get huge anxiety about potentially losing a friendship if a relationship goes south. I get huge anxiety about relationships in general just because of a long string of heartbreak.

It's happening again- I met someone who came to an event I host, and she was so wonderful. Just a beam of light- her optimism matched mine, she is into many of the things I'm into like biking and climbing, and she even led a jam on piano at my event (I'm a musician and it's a jam based on a principle of musical humanism). At the end of the night, we even got to dancing in the middle of the room. That night I asked her to go swing dancing and if she'd want to see a show I was music directing before. She said yes to both and I felt so excited, but also knowing it was just as friends. I wanted to see if we would be compatible before asking any bigger questions.

The next day I sent a message and a meme, but got no response. My thoughts went to "I'm putting too much pressure on this and she's reacting" or "she's not interested" and it made me pretty blue. The next day I messaged her telling her that the place we were dancing is going to be 20s themed just so she knew what to wear if she wanted, and she texted back like normal- all was good again.

That night she came to my show and we both biked up to the Green Mill (the jazz club in Chicago) and we had a great time. In the middle when we went back for a drink, we kissed and I was so excited. We talked and found we had so much in common- our thoughts on the importance of family, community, and how we can lift eachother up to be better than the sum of our parts. We both are active and extroverted, and felt the same how often times we feel like society wants us to shut up and not be extra. We both love the same kinds of beer. We both had struggled with weed- she put it well that her favorite thing about herself is her social skills, but when she's high it all goes away, just like me. She works for a bike company, I used to work for a bike company. She wants to start a hot dog stand, I want to write a coffee table book about city flags. We even planned to go climbing together for a second date.

I honestly felt like I found my one.

But then she dropped that she had a long distance relationship with a guy in Amsterdam, and that they agreed that it's okay to be open in their relationship. She said she wasn't polyamorous, but it was a way that she felt they could be there for each other while allowing their needs to be met. I told her I'm definitely monogamous and had an open relationship before but it wasn't fun for me. That said she said she was reconsidering her current relationship, but I've also been in similar situations where I've waited for someone to leave their situation to be with them and those also didn't go anywhere.

We biked back that night, and we still had a great time, and she messaged me when she got home. I sent her my number over Instagram, but that was the last message I got. I guess id expect a "hey Meep this is __!" Text so I had her number, but I still haven't heard back. I'm trying not to push it so I'm going to let her be the one to initiate the next conversation.

In the meantime I feel like I'm on an emotional rollercoaster. I mean granted I just met her and I shouldn't be so heavily invested or excited. I should be taking it slow but I don't know how. Hell I barely understand what taking it slow means. I should be perfectly fine being alone in my apartment with my cat. I've done so much work on myself to try and be in a place where I can feel again, but now I feel like I'm going back into another heartbreak.

I know a lot of this is also because I live alone and my family is 2000 miles away. I wrote a song that paints the picture- "oh, I'm floating away/ oh, I'm floating away/ the spacewalk went wrong/ I clipped into the other side/ of the moon/ just to know what distance feels like". I want to feel secure. I want to feel at home. But these relationships I find myself in tend to do the exact opposite. I'm back on the high seas and it's a stormy night.

I just wish I could be like a normal person and not feel. Or at least not feel like this.

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