I think as you get younger, people are much more aware of abuse dynamics than they were in the past. I think their models may be off.
oh honey, you, um... that...
who wants to tell them? I can't.
yeah but they don't really know any words; they're solipsists. material reality too hard. it's a fascism thing.
well, crucially; it was a bit. the actual that-person is an insufferable piece of shit. but like not in the same ways as im an insufferable piece of shit.
just say "christofascist". it's a word, and it was made for them.
no. it's about fear, and a whole... thing. when you live in hierarchy, you're never REALLY safe unless you're on top, unless the only power is you, not principles not axioms not morality. you.
to be fair, there were good boomers.
they just didn't live long enough for you to meet them.
no, no. saying the meme was made by a fake linux boy/fake linux girl/fake linux kid, because they forgot to say sudo and used the package manager from probably debian (apt), rather than the one arch uses (pacman).
I was being a tedious linux elitist asshole as a bit.
hate other people's abortions.
lets just suck off the people currently in charge until they give up the thing that keeps them in power, then. yeah. that will work.
make america great again, I guess.