Fair enough, just dispelling the common notion that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". No particular meal is more important than another, just that you're getting the nutrition you need. It sounds like this is what works for you. Carry on :)
It must feel empowering to only hold positions that are impossible to prove or disprove. Super brave.
I wouldn't know, maybe you can tell me more about it?
Meanwhile, anyone living in the real world that is actually paying attention knows that what is happening now (in the US and in Gaza) is not normal and is not what any Democratic President would be doing.
This is not an honest response to any of the arguments I made.
You are not a serious person. I will not be engaging further; I have organizing to do that does not involve scapegoating people who will be hurt by this administration or living in alternate realities where everyone unquestioningly does what I want them to do because I said so.
Donald Trump says a lot of things. What he did was get them two months of relative peace. That would not have happened under Kamala, there would be no intermission to "resume" bombing from, there would just still be bombing. If Kamala wanted those voters then she should have broke from Biden's support of Israel, which she did not do and is not how you get a ceasefire done with Israel. No, what she said is that we would have the "most lethal military" in the face of Palestinians her campaign blocked from speaking at the DNC. Biden said he had red lines, but never did anything when Israel crossed them.
That is how democracy works, you have to earn votes. "Vote for me or else" is not a fucking popular platform for what should be very obvious reasons.
Is it really more important to you to attack these voters and hold back the discourse, over 4 months after the election, as your government is breaking every rule in the book and your party is playing right along with it? The election result is not going to change no matter how many people you throw under the bus for it. These are the cards you were dealt, it's time to move on and play spades.
Were you not here for the last year of Biden's presidency or something?
They didn't have to do either, there was a resolution to fund the government for another month on last year's funding bill until something could be drafted that would pass.
Breakfast actually isn't that necessary as a meal, if you're not hungry or you don't feel the urge it's okay to not eat and hold out for lunch with just water. When I eat breakfast it just makes me want to snack more throughout the day.
The OneDrive plug at the end is *chefs kiss*
Why are you 'both sides'-ing populism?
Because they're still mad that their team lost and they're too blinded by their hatred of the out-group to see any possibility of revolution or unity beyond the electoralism that has once again failed them for glaringly obvious reasons, which they refuse to recognize, because it's easier to blame scapegoats; sexists, racists, minorities that don't vote the way they're supposed to, people who are just too stupid for their own good; than to admit they or their party should have done anything differently and simply isn't up to the task of defending against fascism. They aren't interested in "root causes", or material reality, or even their own party's rhetorical strategy; only the letter next to the names of their politicians.
In other words, they have fallen into exactly the same patterns as the enemy they so vehemently oppose. Scratch a liberal.
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Thanks for the vibes based perspective on the situation.