
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

What I love is that it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

The whole reason it has such an absurd valuation, 20x higher than a normal car company, is that they convinced investors they weren't just a boring car company. They had a visionary CEO who was going to keep innovating and growing the company in ways that normal car companies could never replicate. He was Tony Stark! Now they're in a situation where it's that same CEO who's dragging them down. His politics is tanking their reputation, so it's tanking their stock value.

The problem is, if they dump him as CEO, there's absolutely no way to justify the absurd P/E ratio. They can't just go out and appoint another supposed "Tony Stark" to run the company. That means they stick with him and their stock price tanks because he's one of the most hated people in the world. Or, they ditch him and their stock price tanks because with their visionary CEO gone, the jig is up and there's clearly no way to justify a P/E ratio of 100 when Toyota has a P/E ratio of approximately 7.

And for Elon, half his wealth is Tesla stock, and he borrowed against that Tesla stock to fund his Twitter purchase. If Tesla tanks, it all could come crashing down around him. There's no escape for him either. He can't realistically even sell his stock because as soon as he started trying to do that it would signal his lack of confidence and cause the value to plummet.

It's just annoying that Tesla's stock isn't crashing faster. So many people who don't believe in the sunk cost fallacy, and are desperately lying to themselves rather than cashing out before the bubble bursts.

[–] 16 points 4 hours ago

I believe this is what they call "preaching to the choir".

[–] 2 points 11 hours ago

Yeah, unfortunately for time we're tied to space-stuff. A day will always be useful, so will a year. A lunar month is not as useful as it once was, probably not necessary as a primary unit.

[–] 2 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

I hate fucking fl.oz. I understand cups, teaspoons and tablespoons, but then there's the odd recipe that uses 'fl.oz.' and I always have to go look it up.

[–] 4 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Yes, obsessing over centimetres is unhealthy.

[–] 3 points 12 hours ago

Even weirder when that foot was defined based on the body of a former king of England. But, centuries later, the country that formed in a rebellion against England still keeps using that measurement, whereas England has made a lot more progress going metric.

[–] 5 points 16 hours ago

This needs the Mr. Bean meme of the English cheating off the French.

[–] 3 points 16 hours ago
  • St. Louis?
  • Louisville?
  • Lafayette?
  • Versailles?
  • Detroit?
  • Baton Rouge?
  • Boise?
  • Montpelier?
  • Montclair?
  • Des Moines?
  • Eau Claire?

There are a lot of them. If you look at a map of North America circa 1950 you'll see that the vast majority of the interior is French territory. The only reason that it's under American control now is that the British took it from the French in the 7 years war. The British colonists in North America were so grateful for this additional land that when they settled it, they generously paid taxes to the British to pay them back for the expensive war to conquer this territory... ha, just kidding. They rebelled and simply took the territory for themselves.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Yeah, you're right. I got confused about which member of the oligopoly controlled CTV.

As for CBC, I think that was the main point I was making.

[–] 38 points 1 day ago (2 children)

The issue really isn't foreign ownership, it's for-profit ownership or bias in the interests of wealthy owners. Do you think investigative reports into the Rogers family would happen on City TV or CTV, both properties owned by Rogers Communications? That's why we need to protect CBC. It's not free from bias, but it's much less biased than most mainstream media sources.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

No, I don't know how to script to test it, sorry. But, if you do test it let me know what you find.

[–] 8 points 2 days ago

They do say it's a no GST on "homes", which could theoretically include units in a condo. Maybe if the building costs multiple millions but your unit is under one million it would count?

It's better than the conservative plan, but it's not nearly enough to fix the whole thing. But, maybe it's good for votes because it's easy to understand.


First time home buyers will not be charged GST (5%) when buying a home, as long as the place they're buying costs less than $1M. This means that people buying a home for the first time will save up to $50k on their purchase.

Edit: Note, GST is mostly only charged when buying newly built homes, so this won't have any effect for people buying used homes.


Currently the PM doesn't have a seat in the house. If he visited the house, he'd have to go to the visitor's gallery.

It's an interesting situation. The PM is the leader of the federal liberal party, but he's not a member of parliament. But, does he need to be? Is the PM sitting in the house of commons just a tradition that nobody has challenged yet? Could the PM delegate things inside the house of commons to their deputy-PM and then do things like give speeches, attend diplomatic functions, etc.?

The US has a very different system where the president isn't part of the legislative branch at all. But, typically presidents don't twiddle their thumbs waiting for something to do. Being the head of state keeps most presidents busy. It makes me wonder if technically Carney could choose not to run for office, and just spend his time doing head-of-state things rather than legislative things.


"Sports Interactive regret to inform that, following extensive internal discussion and careful consideration with SEGA, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Football Manager 25 and shift our focus to the next release."


This sounds like a disaster.

For those who don't know, Football Manager has a yearly release schedule, and the highlight of the release is that it has a database of nearly every professional player in the world, the club they play for, and an attempt to "scout" them, giving all their various attributes from passing ability, to height and weight, to their determination.

By releasing in March 2025, they're going to release the game essentially at the end of the 2024/2025 season right before players start moving to new clubs and the database becomes obsolete. Typically, around March is when they're giving deep discounts on the yearly release because they know there won't be much remaining interest in playing a game that's almost out of date.

They really shot themselves in the foot. They could have released a Football Manager 25 that was 100% FM 24 but with an updated database, they've done it before. They could have called "Football Manager 25" something like "Football Manager Next Gen" and not tied themselves to a certain season. And, if they do manage to get Football Manager 25 out in March, are they really going to be able to do FM 26 half a year later? Will anybody buy FM 25 if they know there's a FM 26 coming out so soon?


Maybe the "great" America that Donald wants to take us back to is the 1860s?


Note: National Bank of Canada is a commercial bank, not the Bank of Canada which is Canada's national bank. Um. Which is Canada's central bank.

The graphs in the presentation are the key takeaway for me. But, some key words:

"Canada is caught in a population trap that has historically been the preserve of emerging economies. We currently lack the infrastructure and capital stock in this country to adequately absorb current population growth and improve our standard of living."


"To put things in perspective, Canada's population growth in 2023 was 3.2%, five times higher than the OECD average."


"But to meet current demand and reduce shelter cost inflation, Canada would need to double its housing construction capacity to approximately 700,000 starts per year, an unattainable goal."


Earlier today, Scottish adventurers Chris and Julie Ramsey were finally able to announce their completion of the nine-month, 17,000-mile "Pole To Pole EV" expedition, the world's first drive from the 1823 Magnetic North Pole to South Pole.

Other links:


The article was clearly AI generated. Microsoft has killed the original article, giving a 404, pretending it never existed. But, you can see an archived image of it on Imgur.

Even ignoring the ridiculousness of including the Ottawa Food Bank as a destination. Even ignoring the callousness of the line "Consider going into it on an empty stomach", the article is just full of spicy autocomplete nonsense.

  • "Participate in the Winterlude, the Capital's winter festival, skate on the world's largest skating rink, or play on North America's largest snow."
  • "Go to an Ottawa Senators Game: Ottawa, as Canada's capital draws visitors from around the world who come to see its historic buildings and landmarks, experience its arts and culture and take in the sights and sounds. Denis Potvin are two NHL heroes from Ottawa..."
  • "The World's Largest Naturallyfrozen Ice Rink"
  • "Discover a Winter Wonderland at Omega Park" (along with a picture of the Canal)
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