
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Finished I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle. In general, I think it has pacing and tonal issues (be aware that it's not cozy all the way through!), but it was also cute in, like, an 80s-YA-fantasy kind of way. I don't regret reading it, but I think there are better books to recommend.

Currently reading Fever House by Keith Rosson. I guess I'd call this action horror? There's a severed hand that makes people near it want to be overly violent, and various players trying to acquire or get rid of it. Fast read, enjoyable so far.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

Still working on I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle. I'm much more satisfied with it at the 75% mark, now that the plot's well under way. I think I may try to fit something else by him into my list for 2025 bingo, because I'm really enjoying his writing style.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I did tweak a couple of the curves slightly in the file I sent Mem, but nothing really noticeable.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Yay, glad you like the changes!

Did you recreate this from scratch?

I just traced over your version with vectors. Only changes I made were pointy book corners and slightly flatter ears on the sides (b/c I'm lazy). I'll DM you the file to do with as you please.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (6 children)

I like the idea (and it's very cute!), but it feels a little busy. I think that could be solved by simplifying the book shape, if you're down to give that a shot (feel free to ignore me, ofc). Two suggestions to try, not sure if either will work:

  • Get rid of the inner black line and the orange, and use a single black line down the middle for the crease instead. If the book shape isn't strong enough at that point, you can always try thickening up the edge, or coloring the whole shape.
  • Alternatively, remove the black outline (and the orange fill) entirely (apart from a center book crease), and just have the ears, nose, and whiskers (maybe also eyes?) be a different color. Let the book be the highest contrast shape, so it's obvious.

EDIT: Ok, look, I was impatient to see what it could look like, so I did it myself. (I may have gotten a little carried away.)

An updated version of a logo by @Mem@discuss.tchncs.de, of an orange and white book-faced lemming on a purple-blue background.

@[email protected], YOU DID SO GOOD! LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Still reading I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle. It's still light and fluffy fun, but it's starting to feel kind of muddled. Like, I thought I was getting a story about a dragon catcher that hates his job, but that's been sidelined in favor of a story about a prince that doesn't want to rule. There's been a sprinkle of "legendary dragon? nah, that doesn't exist anymore" foreshadowing, but the plot's been very low stakes otherwise. Not sure if it's a framing issue (there's a lot of POVs) or a narrative one, but maybe it'll all come together later on.


Released February 7, 2025.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Finished The Truth of the Aleke by Moses Ose Utomi. Twistier and grimmer than the first book; hoping the third (when it comes out) will have a satisfying conclusion. One note: if you decide to read this one by itself, with the thought that you might read the rest of the series later, just be aware that it spoils the ending of the first book.

Started I'm Afraid You've Got Dragons by Peter S. Beagle. Light and fluffy fairy-tale-type story so far, without the melancholy undertones I remember The Last Unicorn (understandably) having. Reviews seem mixed about the second half, so we'll see how I feel about it when I get to that point!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Last week, I read The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi, and now I'm reading the sequel, The Truth of the Aleke. These are both African-inspired fable-like fantasy novellas about teenagers saving oppressed desert cities. Obviously, I enjoyed the first well enough to read the second, but I think they would have been better listed as YA, as both volumes feature not-so-subtle lessons about the bad guys and predictable plot twists that might have seemed fresher/more relevant to that audience.

(Sidenote: if you're doing book bingo and need a quick disability rep. hard mode, The Truth of the Aleke is only ~100 pages, and seems to work as a standalone so far.)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I'd agree with that (although idk what Left Behind is). There was some level of criticism of Christianity throughout most of it, but the end sort of... yeah.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Tentatively started A Spectral Hue by Craig Laurance Gidney.

Finally finished Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman; I found it enjoyable and well-paced. Knight-turned-brigand and divinely-touched orphan tween go on a quest across France during the height of the Black Plague. Medieval fantasy religious horror; very heavily features Christian mythology, so if that's not your thing, skip. Do check content warnings.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

I'm 80% through Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. My plan to set aside more reading time last week failed, but I'm nearing the finish line nonetheless!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

It's a combination of being 400+ pages and sometimes only getting through a few pages at night before I get sleepy. Thankfully, I'm not finding it slow on top of that.


Hey everyone!

We're about six months into our first [email protected] Book Bingo challenge. If you didn't know about it, or if you've been debating joining, there's still plenty of time to participate! You do not need to fill a whole card to complete the challenge: 'bingo' is only five squares in a line.

If you're already working on bingo, how's it going so far? Doing any fun challenges? Having trouble with any squares or rules? Any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated!

We'll be doing another post in a few months for 2025 bingo suggestions, and a turn-in post at the beginning of April.

On behalf of myself, Dresden, and JaymesRS, thank you for being here, and happy reading!


Mixing every color using light = white

Mixing every color using pigments (paint, ink, etc.) = black


From their most recent album, Twilight Aura.


A favorite of mine from a few years ago.


A fix-up (or fixup) is a novel created from several short fiction stories that may or may not have been initially related or previously published. The stories may be edited for consistency, and sometimes new connecting material, such as a frame story or other interstitial narration, is written for the new work.

I'd just never heard the term before this article popped up last night. Thought maybe it might be a new thing for some of you, as well!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The notes are stupid long, so I'm not gonna try to copy paste them here. However, here's an overview:

New Frames/Weapons
  • New frame: Dante (rot C new disruption node or via pity system)
  • New incarnon weapons: Onos (secondary) and Ruvox (melee: fist)
Starchart & Steel Path
  • New Deimos node: Armatus (Disruption)
  • Disruption QoL changes: demolisher marker shows up much more easily; red conduit now yellow
  • Omnia void fissures (can take any tier of relic in)
  • Steel Path Zariman & Cavia bounties
  • Steel Path incursion expansion: Zariman and Albrecht’s Laboratories now get their own 6th daily incursion
Albrecht's Laboratories tileset
  • New enemy: Gruzzling, drops lanthorns, echo vocas, common melee arcanes, and are an additional source of conduit activators on Armatus
  • Tileset expansion; includes new somachord tones
  • Netracell drop table changes (removed all the non-legendary melee arcanes & adjusted drop rates of remaining items)
  • Some enemy adjustments, including Rogue Bonewidows (which also applies to iso vaults)
Sanctum Anatomica
  • “Research Dante” store (Loid), which also includes riven transmuters and a new Simulacrum that lets you bump enemies an extra 25 levels
  • Weekly archon shard offering moved to Sanctum Anatomica (Bird3), no longer on Chipper
  • You can hug Fish, Bird, and Emo now.
Duviri Improvements
  • Top QoL changes: circuit progress now saves between rounds (!); you can leave the undercroft waiting area as long as the timer hasn't started
  • Circuit Assassination: Corrupted Jackal changes (nerf)
Cosmetics & Customization
  • Styanax Tonatiuh collection
  • Tennogen Unbound (6 things, including Sevagoth and Gyre skins)
  • New market bundles: Dante, Inaros cosmetics, voidshells (Banshee, Loki, Nekros), community glyphs, anniversary glyphs
  • Redliner emote
  • Customization for frames with invisibility abilities (under attachments > auxiliary attachments), lets you choose between classic transparent and just kind of an energy glow
  • Haztech & Smelter suits can now be worn by drifter
Frame Reworks & Changes
  • Inaros rework
  • Mirage Eclipse & Prism changes (no longer reliant on light)
  • Gara passive change (no longer reliant on light)
  • Nourish Helminth change (nerf)
  • Loki ability changes (decoy now scales; switch teleport no longer roots, and also gives a speed boost)
  • Yareli ability changes (no longer rooted when casting aquablades/riptide)
  • Archon shard expansion: Ascent Fusion (combine 3 of the same shard into a tauforged)
  • New warframe augment mods for Baruuk, Chroma, Citrine, Kullervo, Lavos, Loki, Nezha, Nidus, Styanax, Excal Umbra, and Yareli
    Click for augment list
  • Elusive Retribution (Baruuk - Elude): Every attack Baruuk Eludes increases his Melee Attack Speed and Melee Critical Damage by 5% up to 6 stacks. Stacks last 6s. (Hexis/Loca)
  • Guardian Armor (Chroma - Vex Armor): Chroma's Health takes 50% of damage dealt to allies within Affinity Range. Squad kills restore 5% of his Health over 3s and increases Vex Armor duration by 1s. (Suda/Perrin)
  • Recrystalize (Citrine - Crystallize): Enemies killed by crystalline growths stagger and spread the crystals to enemies within 16m. (Red Veil/Steel Merid)
  • Wrath of Ukko (Kullervo - Storm of Ukko): Wrathful Advance moves the storm of daggers to the teleportation location and increases its duration by 6s. (Loca/Steel Merid)
  • Valence Formation (Lavos - Passive): Upon Ability cast, applies the Ability Element as 200% Elemental Damage to your weapons with guaranteed Status for 20s. (Loka/Red Veil)
  • Damage Decoy (Loki - Decoy): Decoy can be cast on enemies. Enemies who attack that decoy receive 5 random Status Effects, and the reflected damage is increased by 350%. (Hexis/Red Veil)
  • Divine Retribution (Nezha - Divine Spears): When a speared enemy suffers from a Status Effect, the Status Effect spreads to all speared enemies. Spear explosions apply 1.5x Status Damage. (Suda/Steel Merid)
  • Parasitic Vitality (Nidus - Parasitic Link): Nidus and any ally he's bound to gain 4% Max Health per Mutation during Parasitic Link. (Steel Merid/Perrin)
  • Axios Javelineers (Styanax - Axios Javelin): A pair of Styanax Specters spawn to throw javelins, creating vortexes on impact. Impale an enemy to increase vortex duration by 5s. (Hexis/Loka)
  • Warrior’s Rest (Excalibur Umbra - Passive): Umbra's Ability Strength increases by 15% but he no longer fights independently alongside his Operator. (Hexis/Red Veil)
  • Loyal Merulina (Yareli - Merulina): You no longer ride Merulina. Instead, she follows her and casts Sea Snare on nearby enemies. 2s cooldown. (Suda/Loka)
New Player Path Improvements
  • Cephalon Simaris introduction improved
  • Mote Amp acquisition improved
  • Junction changes
  • Inbox messages more correctly mastery-rank locked
  • Railjack market bundle changes (removed some bundles, and added a new, better one for less plat; differences in plat will be refunded)
  • Quest changes (including reducing quest item build times to 10 sec)
Melee Attack Changes
  • Melee ground slam attack changes: only radial damage (max 50% falloff at edge), scales with mods
  • Melee finisher improvements (new vfx, more enemies can be finishered)
  • Auto-melee fixes (no longer will I get stuck perma-meleeing in circuit... probably)
UI QoL changes
  • New UI sorting categories for arcanes, captura, and orbiter deco
  • New fast travel menus for orbiter, relays, & dojo (same as gear button) (includes Baro!)
  • Upgrade screen changes (some nice little tweaks)
  • Warframe, weapon, And railjack stat UI rework (honestly it seems mostly the same in practice, but you can now see some extra handy stats if you've equipped mods that affect them)
  • Incarnon reticle improvements
Visual Updates
  • GI Volume Lighting updates (now applies to orbiter and some other places, as well as transparent parts on frames)
  • Kubrow fur updates
Other Additions, Changes, Fixes, etc.

Some highlights:

  • Sticky corners begone!
  • Applicable ammo pickups will charge tome alt-fire, instead of being useless for that weapon class
  • No more being locked out of companion pets when incubating; also imprint QoL#

Defend the Leverian from the avaricious clutches of Parvos Granum and the Corpus! Drusus, curator and caretaker of the Leverian, requests your help to get out from under Parvos’s gilded thumb. It falls to you to track down his assistant and chief chronicler, the Warframe Dante. Master Dante’s Abilities as you take on new Missions like Murmur focused Disruption and greater challenges than ever before.

Dante Unbound launches on all platforms on March 27!

(They're also pausing hotfixes til then.)

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