Soon we will have phones with more Ram than Storage
You mean the footgun?
It’s not it’s just slightly less bad than Firefox on the perspective of ownership,
E.g.: under the new guidelines by Mozilla you’re not allowed to bookmark pornhub
This is thanks to Mozilla’s focus on “privacy respecting “ advertisement and ai, go to any open source conference and you’ll see a list of ai talks by them.
Don’t get me wrong I implore anyone to move to any browser that isn’t; Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera
At this point I care about ownership of what I do on my browser, Chrome under these guidelines is a better alternative (and that’s a low bar)
It’s not okay to joke about suicide
Here’s a list of suicide hotlines for anyone that needs it:
I don’t know if you’ve looked at the code but it is written in plain js with express.
That node_modules folder is running donuts around your argument at this point.
Were it written in rust or golang it would have been a different story
50% of the US doesn’t care
Google has always been incompetent
Book: Little Brother
Was not an instruction manual!