Work must be different in america since its so popular....
Maybe you didn't see that I wrote fee, not free. :)
Land of the fee.
People who read Forbes do.
I think large parts of humanity still desires enormous amount of money and are willing to spend their lives focusing on it.
It's because money gives what people actually want - safety, respect, admiration, power, freedom etc.
I registered and I felt the same as you. Not worth my time.
Human beings could be great but went for greath.
Haha yeah. Well I'm an arch user for at least a decade, and i saw manjaro come.. It was very popular in the beginning. Then they started making strange decisions, but I think many people are still happy with it. Otherwise I think endevourOS is doing good. :)
I haven't seen Linux users fights over distros... Ever. We just have lots of choices, and most of them are awesome.
It's a sign of the times that this is upvoted so much. When I was growing up, this was called normal behavior and was boring and nobody talked about it.
Such a chad move. Respect!
I don't use Google anymore except for Google maps in my car. :) I guess they can spy on where I'm driving. But no search history.
It doesnt matter if they reach any end result, as long as stocks go up and profits go up.
Consumers arent really asking for AI but its being used to push new hardware and make previous hardware feel old. Eventually everyone has AI on their phone, most of it unused.