To spend more time with daughter. Earning money that way is a high stress lifestyle of 100+ hour work weeks with creditors, investors, contractors, planners, inspectors, and tenants. Not everyone can function under that pressure long term.
And as the trajectories grew, ENIAC was created
That can't be right, the red car has a service manual and too many functioning assemblies for it to be VS.
The 80s started out like Vacation and ended like Wall Street
Bennett: "John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes! I'm going to shoot you between the balls!"
When I was a child I thought everything was run by grown ups, who had the answer to everything. Then I grew up and saw everything as run by children, who made everything up as they go. Now I see everything as run by animals with insatiable appetites.
An invitation for a free lunch that turned out to be a multi level marketing presentation for timeshares.
Horror Express and Poltergeist, or how to gain a fear of of glowing red eyes in the dark, televisions, closets, windows near trees, and mirrors.
It was a night like this forty million years ago 🎵