Just missing a giant Galvin Belson signature
One of many reasons I hate android. In my experience the integration with technology: late and poorly polished, early and kneecapped, initially available then removed, or non-existent.
I think its partly the fragmentation in the Android community and mostly Google's influence.
How is this not a shitpost?
Don't pretend you don't know the definition after repeating edge so many times
Kingsize.com ?
Weird cope but okay
And the kids on the island are too old now
Linux supports WSL even better, practically native
You're a bad person and should feel bad
Thank you network nurse
This along with the new social credit, starting to wonder if Reddit is selling data to China. Say something bad about China or Winnie the Pooh and they at best turn you away, or at worst incarcerate you.
Raiding party