You comment is very confusing. I understand not supporting the gun restrictions introduced in the last 5 years, but why would you oppose the buyback program? If the government makes a citizen's property illegal to own, they should compensate the citizen.
All the data shows that law abiding gun owners aren’t much of the problem.
FTFY. Also, the issue (generally) isn't gun owners, it's their guns that get stolen, misused, etc.
Doubling down on this when we our sovereignty is threatented is just straight bonkers.
Irrelevant and nonsensical. Individual gun owners have no impact on preserving our sovereignty. Modern militaries are on a different level than "A well regulated Militia" or whatever other 2A BS this is.
If you're talking about the Taliban, I'd argue they are a full-blown military which just wasn't attached to an internationally recognized government for ~2 decades. They had professional soldiers and equipment which would way out-class even the most intense private militia in the US.