
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 5 days ago

Wow. I kinda hate we have to have a wikipedia page about Trump Derangement Syndrome, but it will be one of a few handy pages to bookmark for tracking movement on the issue.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago (1 children)

sounds like we agree and have just a little gap in language or scope.

I just know if something such gets passed in my state, that the panel vans are going to be out and about, and getting pulled over for nothing at all turns into a likely imprisonment. For me and loved ones personally. No abstracts.

I've already had enough close calls with freelance bullies ready to hatecrime for fun or fear or being seen out of line to know there is a will to follow through with this kind of license for harm.

Anyway, I'm done with this back and forth for today and going to go do that research I mentioned.

Thanks for visiting the acropolis today, neighborino.

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Yeah. I'm specifically saying bills like this are the more immediate threat than expansionism. I'm suggesting people check around in their own jurisdiction.

We can react to things with proportional energy to the threat. No need to employ a false binary here.

THIS is the critical rights stripping that needs to be stoppes -- Even if MN is less vulnerable in your opinion, it's a fair prompt to check the radar and trace the spread.

Like reproductive rights stripping -- it gets through in vulnerable areas and then does a LOT of cumulative damage. In the case of medical care denial, long term damage. This kind of thing? Not so long term.

Go ahead and just say you don't think this effects you personally, if that's the way of it. No need to neg on people who are ready to engage. It's not like we all panic and pass out. Some groups have learned to pace themselves and refresh their communities between actions. (potlucks. it's litterally parties and potlucks...)

[–] 2 points 5 days ago (5 children)

Sometimes trolling gathers momemtum or is an effective exhaustion tactic. Probably good tobsend thank u notes to representitives who vote to protect their constituency from this b.s.

Idk why anyone would try to minimize this horror show. It's not something we can sleep through and expect to wake up from.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

this is the begining of the hard line 'send the disableds and crazies to work camp'. This would bag more artists, history teachers, and journalists than many folks realize.

Wouldn't be that hard to add a little language to make it anyone disagreeing with supreme cheeto or his generous sponsors/overlords.

I really home Minnesota residents are kicking hard over this. I better check my local leg website and see if we have anything similar coming up. Might as well make an RSS feed about it...

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (7 children)

obviously won't go anywhere? I wouldn't take that for granted at all.

[–] 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Modern day Asatru practitioners of good firth have to run constant vigilance against supremicists creeping in. Some folks make it in to good groups from cruel groups and have trauma to work out from being around that vitriolic perspective.

A lot of the effective work comes down to actively communicating openness and inclusion for practitioners from all backgrounds that are willing to do same.

IOW Norse pantheon worshipers talking and walking as equal and allied with POC and queer folks all the time makes the right jerks uncomfortable.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

I think hippie 'survivalist' material can be foundbunder 'homesteading' more easily. Still a portion of exclusionary-supremacists and superstitious-dogmatics, but somewhat fewer in my experience. More sustainable growing techniques, with the guns chapter further back in the book. More mutual aid networking, less barrel frotting.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Oh no! Fantasy business failing just like those fired engineers with safety concerns said it would!

Too bad the rare resources are already wasted!

Let me... finish writing out... this reality check for... 0 fucks.

Liquidate that shit into individual gardening grants and public train money.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

libraries sometimes too. basically an overnight in a non-residential space?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

The monstertruck comercial is for people in my life that I love. Also my own enjoyment.

I don't think people who crave high stimulation messaging, or enjoy pantomime or slapstick should be left to the mercy of profiteer programming. Just because I enjoy technical reading and essay style lectures doesn't mean that works for everyone. I wouldn't like to leave any neighbors behind.

Not sure what works for you, internet stranger, but maybe it isn't socratic dialogue.

So. Yah, everything from my prior post is earnest and inclusive. Folx can fimd a better place any projected sarcasm or derision.

on tumblr they say some of the reading comprehension is piss poor. (#iheardupissonthepoor)

No one needs to thank me or like me, as long as I can have my equitable living rights, yah? so no sweat: keep the emotional labour.

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

people who have access to equitable righta and education (ie girls go to school, everyone has access to the economy and healthcare including sexual health) tend to self-regulate the population towards sustainable levels.

Stupidity is created through systemic sexism, dumbification, and reinforcement of poverty.

Baby booms happen when people don't know how the world, including their bodies, work, and when uterus-havers are isolated and have control over their own life paths and bodies removed.

the usa before women had equitable banking, voting, education, healthcare, and employment access is a fine example -- there are plenty around the world.

tl;dr overpopulation is an effect of discriminatory and oppressive environments and not a herreditary issue.

we are born to a bellcurve of smartness; just a lot of people get it starved and beaten out of them and are put on the prison pipeline before they can figure out what's going on.

we've known this a long time but it's hard to 'sell' to privledged people who didn't have to think about it and don't want to talk about reperations for redlining, boarding schools, etc... (good morning and welcome to the Blood Machine)

can anyone write a monster truck ad version of my comment that is readable at a 3rd grade level, pls?

also, it's the power grip and reciprocity. that's what makes us human.

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