now it's Istanbul not Constantinople
Bad Ass. are towels a part of the dress code?
what the fuck yo
I think your first hell doesn't sound too bad. unless you're adding that something outside the spirit is keeping it locked in stasis artificially, incapable of making any progress, that just sounds like the core aspect of meditation.
I quite like meditation
interesting. do you cook it? how much do you eat on average?
what does that look like? what's a normal day's food look like for you?
no that's probably because whey tastes absolutely awful so they try to cover up the flavor.
it's usually a synthetic sweetener and I've found plant based protein powders are usually less guilty of it.
who is Anit and why do you support their fascist tech?
this is such a cool concept ty!
where did you hear about it?
I was wondering the same 👀
very true detective
I believe that it functions as sunblock!