I added my subs to an RSS feed but honestly I really like the algorithm...
Try cooking Indian and East Asian foods. Very affordable and healthy. Many don’t even require meat. If you get rice get easy Asian rice not south Asian, ie long grain. Personal opinion, it tastes much better.
Super easy meal is Japanese curry and rice. Get the premade curry packs that you put into your vegetable and water mix.
Fried rice is a good easy one.
Fun new snack I’ve done recently is seasoned then baked chickpeas.
Always have an easy breakfast and sandwich supplies. I just tomato or cucumber sandwiches.
I think the best thing is just to eat similar meals each week but can switch things up.
I think somehow from high school into college I began to save more than I spent. From college into grad school now I saved a ton and am more comfortable for it. I also grew up with some poor periods and a very bad example and a very good example in my life of how to handle money. With a child now it’s very hard but we are trying to adopt. We are frugal but hard to stay even!
I totally get what you mean. Thanks for sharing! Just today I was going through Walmart thinking of all the things I needed but I stayed focused ;)
//temporary reply to two points in your comment. May edit and add more later, can't save a draft of a comment!
I’m sure that there are plenty of people who find a lot of positive aspects of religion. But there are definitely people who use it to abuse their power over others, in any religion. That is why I don’t choose to believe in anything supernatural.
The same could be said about anything. I cannot understand generalize a category as large as religion as abusive. Joining a cult once doesn't mean all religions are bad. Also, religion doesn't equal supernatural and that very much depends on how you define supernatural.
That’s why I’m trying to forge a path of respecting where Buddhism and Yoga come from, while not believing in the supernatural aspects. I don’t think it removes the culture, it just rejects the supernatural part.
Buddhism is nothing without a belief in reincarnation. Buddha sought to solve the problem of death, old age, and sickness. You can't do that if you don't believe in his solution.
Kind of feels like being Christian but not believing in God.
Thanks for something to add to the reading list. By material wealth do you mean things that would be valuable post money?
It can reduce suffering yes, but it removes all of the culture, philosophy, and traditional goals of a 2500 year tradition so some random “spiritual” person in America can be less stressed at their desk job. It’s a net positive but there is a lot more benefits to be had behind being mindful!
I just think it’s a shame. Like what the west did to yoga.
Yeah Buddhism would be solved if there was just death. That’s also why Buddhism minus cosmology ie “secular” Buddhism makes zero sense
Prison 2.0, even death won’t set you free. Thanks for a new horrible concept OP
Where does that exist out of battle royal and extraction shooters? I think the norm is still five or more.
Not about jellyfin being bad. One of the best FOSS
what if you're just a trash can?