Maybe they emphasise "children" to encourage more of the current adult generation to sacrifice themselves. And to manage expectations of when the benefits arise.
But Civ5 already had universal healtcare.
Looks a wee bit like Calculon, facially at least; a bit skinnier in the torso.
Similar just the impact of dust over a large enough distance.
Try going up to the top of, say, a 50 storey building in a moderately polluted city during a fairly still, warm, dry spell of weather and look down at the ground.
It'll likely look a lot more dusty than from street level.
Urgh, when you forgot to check the fool-performance charateristic curve on the datasheet and it was on a log scale.
I dont know, when most people were children they might believe their parents like that. Some of them grow up and develop minds of their own and critical thinking but others seem not to. Maybe it gets harder to grow up, the longer you spend as a child.
Or maybe you're right and it's an intrinsic part of human diversity - maybe the tribe has always needed some sheeple - so our genes might always create some.
A bit of healthy scientific skepticism or logical reasoning with some skills to evaluate sources of evidence and biases help with both understanding quoted stats, and liars and the ill-informed.
It's a difficult and time consuming skill to learn and use though.
"wired". lol.
Ooh wait 'til Musk realises he can improve US agricultural efficiency.
Yes very possible in all the big western European countries.
Yes surely fake.
But anyone using MS OneDrive for personal stuff might want to check with some privacy advice - and I doubt MS are going to recommend doing that.
If MS is giving large increases in cloud storage and bandwidth for free/very cheap one wonders whether there's anything in it for MS. Again MS might not feel the need to say.
It could be a form of bundling, tacit veritcal integratation, magin squeeze , price discrimination, tie-ins etc.
Various tricks oligopolistic companies use to prevent competition from bidding prices down - trying to extract a bit of extra profit. The harm is that people are paying more than they might - or for extra features they cant opt out of than they would in a free or open market. Likely the harm is very diffuse and no one person is all that bothered to be paying 10% more or whatever, but it all adds up.
Anti-trust regulators are so weak they don't really have to try though. TBF it's very hard to prove this stuff in court even if there was a political will to improve competition to benefit consumers.