I agree with your conclusion. It was the statement in the middle, where you said you would be hard-pressed to find people who wanted the government to be efficient and without waste, that's the statement where I'm telling you that here I am saying I don't need a government that's efficient and I don't mind a government that has some waste. I really don't.
What I do mind is a government that's inefficient and wasteful in ways that are throwing money at the rich. That's something I mind a lot. Certainly we both agree that we shouldn't be trying to crack down so hard that we're depriving people of support that they clearly ought to be receiving based on the law and morality.
Let me go an obvious step farther. Suppose there's some office somewhere that has 100 employees and they might be able to get by with 95 if they streamlined their process. And maybe those employees are making $40K or $60K whatever. I'm just not hugely worried about that 5% inefficiency. I'm happy enough knowing that they're probably supporting themselves and pushing that money right back into the local community. I'm also happy knowing that if you tried to replace them with a private company, it would cost twice as much and you would get a fraction of the service. People love to talk about the magic number, efficiency, but most of us are not living to be efficient. We have other goals in life. The actually important things. That's what our governments should be pushing for. When efficiency is a reasonable step towards making life better for the people who live in that country, then we can focus on efficiency, but we should never ever think that efficiency is the goal when so often it's the opposite of the goal.
Because you have to pay taxes including the very incredibly expensive purchase tax and annual property tax. And you lack a visa.