I did the maths once and estimated that there's probably about 10 people down here who ever signed up for Lemmy and 1 - 2 people who are active users, guess you're that other guy lol.
I'm not on a farm, but I'm on a bush block in a bushfire risk 2 according to that map (good link!). Never had a ranger come around, though we did recently have a local fire brigade volunteer do a info session/Meetup at the end of our street. I would imagine business out here/wineries would have to formally have a plan.
Haha maybe! Though I kind of expected no others due to how technologically disinterested people are down here TBH.
Oh yeah the annual firebreak check for sure does happen out my way, though definitely not every year. I think that's spot on re/ personal vendettas. Oh yeah that stuff gets more hectic every year, even residential bush fire risk for new builds are really strict now depending on the BAL rating.