
joined 1 year ago

Forgot to post this here long ago. Don't like self promoting, but haven't seen other videos.

Here's a video I did where I'm running a Hetzner VPS for only $8/month and I've simulated 70+ open connections without any kind of issue.

Lots of folks think that the more people watching, the more CPU power. That's not true. Number of quality of streams is what constitutes CPU required. So if I have 2 qualities, you want at least 3 CPUs. If you have 8 qualities, you probably want something like 10.

Your mileage may vary, but the most people watching, just equates to more bandwidth. And the Linux kernel is very good at opening connections and managing them, so it's VERY low CPU usage.

If bandwidth does become an issue, you could always use a CDN or S3 bucket in front of your Owncast.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 10 points 6 days ago

Am I allowed to throw my hat in the ring? I'm definitely No expert and I'm constantly learning, but I have vods of my live streams, gaming and tech, and I'm running Fireside Fedi a show about talking with different folks around the Fediverse. Let me know if I can post the link. I don't want to self promote of that's not what folks are looking for here.

Aldo I would say that we're still very early in the Fediverse life cycle. Majority of these folks aren't paid or are a shoestring budget and solo with tiny teams. So if we want to see this experiment survive we have to do more than what we've done in the past.

Talk to content creators you enjoy. Let them know you'd like to see their content on the Fediverse. Especially if you're a patreon member. Create content yourself. The Fediverse will succeed or fail based on our actions.

The internet wasn't born in a day and a LOT of projects failed, because everyone took the easy centralized way. This time we have to fight for it to remove their claws.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Thank YOU for the reminder about the Owncast community. I've been shirking my duties. ;-) Thank YOU for creating content on the Fediverse! <3 It was a great stream.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Never played Sam & Max, but folks during the live stream recommended it as well.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Classic. My favorite adventure game of all time. Followed by Space Quest games. Might have to play those again as well. I think we need some retro games on Peertube. :-D



Shape of Dreams is a unique game that blends action roguelite with MOBA-style gameplay. Venture into the dream world, edit your hero's Memories, and create your own champion. Face all challenges solo, or play with friends in up to 4-player co-op.


Just a quick discussion, with some terrible drawings, of how the Fediverse works at a high level. Everyone talks about folks should understand email, so you should understand the Fediverse. I'd argue most folks don't understand email. So let's talk as if it's regular snail mail.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 3 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Time for Fediverse yet anyone?

I'm hearing Twitch streamers say they just move their stuff to YouTube. Good call giving YouTube more power obviously couldn't backfire.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

Am I allowed to throw my channels in the ring?

I'll put them behind spoiler tag in case people don't like self promotion

Tap for spoilerhttps://video.firesidefedi.live/@show https://video.firesidefedi.live/@games https://video.firesidefedi.live/@tech

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 8 points 1 month ago

Yes, but I work from home. :-).

Seems like it'd be a crapshoot either way. Reddit and Lemmy.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 71 points 1 month ago

Happy I'm on the Fediverse. This the exact shit we attempted to warn people about forever.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Rebecca Black Linux came first!

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

Hey! Me too! Way to stand up with something to the point someone had to call you out in a racist tirade as well! Good job! Keep up the good work being a good person and pissing off assholes for being positive! I know I will!

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 1 points 1 month ago

Ouch. Holy shit that hits close to home.

[–] ozoned@lemmy.world 78 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've talked to friends that were very excited Trump won. Recently tried having an open conversation with someone that left my community afterwards over the conversations because I didn't come to his side.

They just believe it'll be better. What better? They don't know. They can't verbalize, because they're told it's terrible now and will be better.

They believe Trump isn't a criminal, didn't incite violence on Jan 6, the woke people are out to get them, etc. I've literally asked people to define "woke" for me when they use it that way. They can't. They don't know. They're not bad people, they're brainwashed at this point.

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