In my mind, I've made it abundantly clear what I want.
Every sentence that starts with "in my mind" is not objective, therefore there is no fault in a faulty translation by the interpreter. If you want to be understood, you can either try to be clearer or give up on the responsibility of being understood. And if you give up on that responsibility, you cannot complain about the outcome of said communication.
You're either not paying attention, or not focused on me enough to hear what I'm saying
This is an extremely narcissistic way to view relationships: if I'm not focused on you it means that I
A) have something more important to think about
B) I have not understood the gravity of the situation and that can be corrected
Of course if I think something trivial is more important than you it might be a problem, but this is hardly ever the case
now I'm mad enough that I fear I will start an argument if I need to spell it out again
Not talking about it is a wonderful way to start a bigger, heavier argument later
Me: "Ok I'm listening, what do you want to say?"
Every woman I met in my life: "Nothing..."
So it's not just us Italians
I mostly watch guitar luthiers on youtube nowadays as a background for when I do stuff like washing dishes and such, so I don't want to listen to people yelling.
My favourite channels are twoodfrd and Doug McCormack for this reason exactly: they're laid back, constructive and polite
Go for it as soon as you can gaslight one of your friends into buying a dum kit
I got it second hand in a pawn shop when I was on vacation in Dublin. It was initially supposed to be just a souvenir, but I kept it as I never had a complaint with it.
Wussy just dropped
So the universe is flat, right?
You wish
"Baby you're a firework"
Un mio amico è partito un po' di anni fabper l'Olanda con zero conoscenze di computer eccetto averne montati un paio, ha incominciato a fare IT per le aziende mentre si guardava filmati su youtube per risolvere i problemi che gli capitavano e pian piano ha imparato. Nel frattempo ha preso lezioni di programmazione e adesso gestisce la parte software di una startup. Ovviamente devi trovare una situazione che favorisca questa cosa e in Italia ahimè ce n'è poche.