I use Eternity. AFAIK it doesn't have ads and it's pretty much what I'm looking for. I tried others but they had ads and I couldn't tolerate that.
It's so disappointing when you live in a region that has had multiple providers with even some that are offering decent services and competition to the monopolies, only to be bought by the monopolies a few years later.
For a while, I lived in a rural region in Quebec with a "big" town of 5000 people surrounded by small villages. Because the big telcos were considering the villages too small and were always late to offer any service in the region, multiple small providers (and even a cooperative) started offering phone (and later internet) service in their own village. So around 2010, when FTTH was not even offered in big cities, the small municipality of Béthanie, with 300 people and no village, had FTTH from its local cooperative.
Unfortunately, from the 4 local ISPs I knew growing up there, they have all been bought by Bell, except the cooperative. And villages that had plans to get FTTH now get nothing because they're not important enough anymore.
My parents still live on a rural road in that region and surprise, the monopolies are not offering broadband, but the local cooperative is offering them FTTH. It's always been a bit surreal that my parents living in the middle of nowhere have FTTH before me in Montreal. The power of cooperatives!
Arguably he made Tesla's autopilot shittier by removing LIDAR because it was too expensive.
DB doesn't hold a candle to VIA Rail. Germans and Europeans in general like to mock DB, and with reason, but as a Canadian, I'm still so very jealous of DB.
Due to [these] restrictions, 80 per cent of trips suffered delays of more than 10 to 15 minutes in February between Quebec City and Windsor, where the majority of Via trains operate. In January, 67 per cent of trains were late on the same corridor. Delays have been even greater between Quebec City and Ottawa this year, affecting 94 per cent of trains last month and 86 per cent in January.
I wish it wouldn't be that complicated just to sit. I'm a short man (5'6") and it's impossible to sit correctly in most office chairs, as the seats are simply too big. My knees can't bend if my back is against the backrest.
Also they are often too tall and my feet don't touch the ground, so I need a foot stool.
Even fucking desks are too high.
So I have a chair that's too big and too high, and a desk that's also too high when I'm sitting.
I hate that the world is standardized around an average. Finding an appropriate desk or chair for smaller people, at an affordable price, is a pretty good challenge.
Billionaires should NOT exist.
I still have an IRC server but the eggdrop's usefulness has pretty much been reduced to fetching YouTube titles and the URL of images on tenor. Its main use was to fetch titles for all URLs pasted on channels where it is, but because me and most of the users are now using TheLounge as a client, there is no need for that anymore, except for a few exceptions. At one point it was also displaying all the things my friends upvoted on reddit, but since reddit closed its API and I came here...
IRC with TheLounge is still very useful though.
That's me with TCL.
I've had an eggdrop for years (obviously) and I'm very bad with TCL, so any new script that I want to add is a bash script executed by the TCL script.
Those headlines always make it seem like a big deal, but I'll only allow myself some joy when I'll know for sure Elon Musk will be homeless. Times and times again I've seen headlines like this, where billionaires are losing billions, the stock market is crashing, it's never been this bad!!! But in the end, they eventually get those billion back and nothing changes.
They said such an app could be used for espionage and tracking down locations of federal employees and contractors.
But an operating system by an American corporation, and its office software, and authentication services, used by governments, business and citizens, is just fine.
I understand Twitter is used as a propaganda tool, but if we are also talking about espionage and tracking, then we should also pay attention to how many people and organizations are using companies like Microsoft, Apple and Google.
Might? Elon Musk has been in regular contact with Putin for two years
However, he's obviously destroying the US government and bureaucracy right now, but I don't think he's destroying his own businesses on purpose. He's just dumb.
I'm really bad at cooking but apparently I learned my lesson on this one, and measure the quantity I'm used to.