I had a friend that had a couple Doberman Pinschers, shortly after they had pups the female got hit by a car and died, the male refused to eat afterwards and eventually died also. They definitely think and have emotions just like us.
There's an actual word for what they are doing to us, I never see anyone use it, so I thought people should know it exists.
The following definition was copied from Wiktionary.
The total extinction of the human species as a result of human action. Most commonly it refers to human extinction through nuclear warfare, but it can also refer to such extinction through other means such as global anthropogenic ecological catastrophe and Lethargica.
I'm glad you're not bothered by microtransactions. I personally don't like them, and I never buy games with anything more then cosmetic microtramsactions. But we all have that line in the sand we won't cross, this is one of mine.
You're right, but I just wonder where it will end up. Everything has a beginning.
Cool, so if I'm your landlord you have no problem with me charging you $1 every time you use a light switch?
That's the thing though, I do have a problem with Substack using their platform to support Nazis.
Edit: Maybe I'm ignorant of what Substack hosts already?
Are they already hosting other terrorist organizations?
Edit 2: I think I have been looking past my free speech statement, I just realized this is the first time I've actually advocated for a corporation censoring anyone's speech, that is definitely making me feel a little weird.
My dilemma here is I'm too old, I still remember my grandfather and many other WW2 Veterans telling me their stories, I don't want that to happen ever again, and right now I feel like I truly don't know what to do for the first time in my life.
So this subject is way bigger then Substack.
OK? But I'm going to think Substack is a hardened Nazi supporter whan I all of a sudden don't see Antifa openly talking about their plans for disposing of their Nazi opposition on their platform, which would be appropriate discussion in said situation. I'm also guessing that their coffers are now open to any and all well known terrorist organizations. Maybe we shouldn't of given corporations any power at all, they have proven time and time again to have absolutely no morals.
And I'm going right back to sleep, so if anyone wants to argue about free speech I'll give my opinion on that now. I draw the line at helping sick individuals try to organize the genocide of most of the people on this planet. I'm all fine for a mentally ill person (Nazi) to be yelling their propaganda from their soapbox in the town square, but letting and even helping the Nazis openly spread their well documented genocidal hate is too far for me.
Edit: I'm a little confused about the fast downvotes?
Maybe mentioning that Antifa (you know the opposite of Nazis) should be equally represented if your platform supports Nazis is considered a bad thing here on Lemmy, but that don't make much sense.
Maybe it's just the corporates paving the way for Facebooks infiltration and organized downfall of all their competition?
Maybe it's just the Nazis.
Then again it's probably just me having asd and speaking directly without a filter.
Don't worry though the Nazis have plans for people like me.
I hope so, but I was born with an extremely good sense of trajectory and I also know how to use nets. So lets just hope I'm superhuman and the only one who possesses these powers.
Edit; I'm being a little extreme here because I heavily disagree with the way everything in this world is being run. So I'm giving a little push back on this subject that I'm wholly against. I do have a lot of manufacturing experience, and I would hope any killer robots governments produce would be extremely shielded against EMPs, but that is not my field, and I have no idea if shielding a remote controlled robot from EMPs is even possible?
Great, so I guess the future of terrorism will be fueled by people learning programming and figuring out how to make emps so they can send the murder robots back to where they came from. At this point one of the biggest security threats to the U.S. and for that matter the entire world is the extremely low I.Q. of every one that is supposed to be protecting this world. But I think they do this all on purpose, I mean the day the Pentagon created ISIS was probably their proudest day.
Everyone should remember that Google itself isn't really as evil as the people who work for it, those "people" are the only thing keeping this shitty company going. They go to work every day to try and make this world a worse place, those people who enable evil need to start to be recognized for who they truly are, the ones who want total enshittification and love watching you suffer. At what point do we start to look at thr root of this problem?
Yes they will, and it will work. It's not like this is the first time fascists built tools for other fascists to use on the public illegally, then once it came to light the tired, sick, worked to death population did exactly what they were conditioned to do, nothing, because they can't, they have no power, because they have been drained by corporate fascists so they have no recourse, no say in anything, it's just go back to work to make sure you're not eating out of garbage cans by next month.
The public is apathetic, but it's by design, if you don't already know about Edward Bernays then I suggest looking him up and finding out how they control the public. This however feels vary familiar, there was a scandal in the 90s about Stingray devices being used illegally by guess who..... fascist cops doing what the fascist propaganda taught them their whole life, get those "criminals" anyway you can, even if you have to become the highest order of criminal scum to do so, all those cop shows conditioned those fascists just right (no pun intended.) In other words this is just business as usual. Here's a link to Wikipedia about Stingray devices if you're interested. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stingray_use_in_United_States_law_enforcement
I absolutely agree.