Thanks. That seems to be what I'm looking for.
This sounds like a big assumption.
Oh that's horrible. I've been assuming it's "just" to sew instability for Putin, but if that's an Elon thing that's way more horrifying and a way bigger WWIII risk.
That is heartbreaking.
That can't be real.
I had thought they were all corporate. Does tesla have non Tesla owned dealerships?
It's a different thing. It's online like Google docs.
Yes, but not like you seem to be implying. These particular prisoners were being sent abroad for someone else's slave trade.
I think Java fits the bill exactly for a quietly known language, used in a lot of web services, with a diverse ecosystem.
I'm not sure they're walking into the trap so much as leading us into the trap. Canonical has not traditionally been super pro copy left.
I for one welcome your shitposts
This is moronic, elitist, trash