But, without any thrust, they would stay in orbit for years. Eventually, if in low orbit, their space suit will collide with enough stray atoms, it'll lose enough speed to fall back to earth and incinerate in the atmosphere.
Errr, they can be illegal if they break other laws, like obstructing traffic, damaging property, or trespass on private property. It's manageable with small groups, but it's hard to coordinate an angry, large group to not do that. That's when they call in police and that's when they make arrests.
I can't officially support this fork 😝
It's hard for me not to engage with their opinions. Like "no, that's not how that works," "There's more to it than that," "there are several things wrong with what you said." There's no point trying to argue on the Internet, but some of their comments make me angry. I especially hate when they support something just to "own them libs" like that takes priority over peoples' well-being.
It says garbage patch, not dumpster fire
What if you don't have a favorite programming language? I'm a firm believer that each language offers a specific set a features that makes each one uniquely suck and I often find myself at the crossroads of continuing to use this garbage or to learn a new language only to find it sucks in a different way. (/s another way of saying each language has its niche... (but sucks outside of it))
So like a human-sized, human-shaped Bigfoot
The "reasonable" moderate Democrats are hoping to win votes with: "We'll undo a few Republican initiatives and put our friends in offices, but otherwise keep everything the same." Can't imagine why that isn't getting them votes. In 2024 they ran out of Republican initiatives to undo and their platform was just: keep our friends in office and keep everything else the same. If they had other planned initiatives, few people picked up on them.
The nuance that makes this false is that the water will eventually get bored and seek another job.
(Lego Batman voice) "Alfred, get me some Al-fried eggs this morning. And make sure you make a smiley face with bacon."
OP: "Right away, sir"
I'm learning from the comments. I'm thinking poo water is recycled more often where there is water scarcity. My current town detoxifies the poo water and releases it back into a nearby river instead of reusing it as drinking water. It's not pure water, but some regulated blend that won't upset the river ecosystem. Lots of bacteria and other processes involved.
I thought I was straight...