No worries, fair mistake :)
Thats github though, not git itself
"Employees speak new languages." Is what translate gives me, but I would translate it more as "The ones working speak new languages" or "Those who have employment speak new languages". I still dont get the meme though, so the context might matter more and my translation could be off
Evidence of life elsewhere in the universe. It would be so cool. I just hope its far enough we cant get there and fuck everything up for them (or that they cant do the same to us)
Ive been looking for something like this for a while. Ill need to try it out
Ah, a man of culture
Idk but it seems to work pretty well for me
Edit: checked the repo and last activity was 2 months ago in issues. Maybe its still ongoing
I have a github repo with two themes based on nord. Check it out if you like and I would love any feedback!
Apologies for piggybacking this post so late especially, but - shameless plug - I have a couple themes based on nord which anyone can add to their instance. I would actually appreciate any feedback on them, so please feel free to check them out (github link)
Some sort of community space, like skate park or exhibition. In the vein of art exhibitions, it could have sections for people to do graffiti
Thanks for the site! What channel are you saying to sign up for? YouTube?
Skyrim for under 4 euro (iirc) in 2012 in a christmas sale.