everyone knows 4h Sitting and Smiling guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdQYIJqizas&list=PLBsg8DzsvexfaSpA6XLjfY3XWthjjpuNN There's also Walking and Talking by him.
i don't remember star wars plot at all
while in retrospect, I did. Can you make two pea-sized bubbles at once? Thought long and hard on this answer
I chuckle and grin every time I type, but don't say lol.
lol i just fingersnapped a real big gumbble
Little sister suggests to cook something every other day. Biggest help in starting to cook.
me inviting a friend I just met to come over and watch this cool thing called porn at 8 years
Thx for the term. Is there a guide, a wiki with principles and examples of scheduling? I do SRS review before sleep and exercise right after studying to aid memorization (via 2 different mechanisms), but I'm sure missing something else.
Same for intellectual tasks. But isn't it better to listen to podcast while exercising? Or cook while listening to music and dancing? And making poem while brushing teeth in a cold shower ;D
I treat meals as ETD massage. Chewing, swallowing, head rubbing. All to relieve sinus pressure. Also helps with doing it consistently 3 times per day
I've been "experimenting" with using social media for just 5m a day. For 2 hours
listen up, bureaucrat.. and how I found this page There's probably more interesting stuff on/about Ward's Federated Wiki