pastafarianism and the satanic temple - here I come!
my belief system requires that I do not assist republicans, conservatives and broad swaths of non-progressive christian denominations.
pastafarianism and the satanic temple - here I come!
my belief system requires that I do not assist republicans, conservatives and broad swaths of non-progressive christian denominations.
corporations and the wealthy love it. been enjoyers since time popped into existence.
please remember that teslas are rolling spy machines. protect yourself accordingly. for your own privacy, I would never approach a tesla (you know, to gawk at a distance) without adequate protection.
This is what a lawless fascist dictatorship looks like.
I try to not be hyperbolic, but this is just the tip of a titanic sized iceberg of possibilities.
everything else you said totally tracks for america - "land of the free and home of the brave"®™
yup. watched it through to the end just to be sure. instant hard downvote for the free-market bullshit dressed up as everyman populism.
“Supporters will likely use it as a reason to pass anti-LGBTQ+ laws, further restrict reproductive rights, allow business owners to discriminate at their own discretion, and control educational materials in schools.”
thats pretty much the meat of it right there and even weasel words like...
“shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability”
are ominous. pretty much discriminate however the hell you want.
elon, is that you?!
usa occupant here. for the love of everything good, please push back on any disinformation like your lives depend on it.
talk to neighbors, carry leaflets with you to bolster valid, verifiable facts - and hand them liberally to anyone misinformed. this is now a matter of national security for canada.
an informed electorate makes informed choices - whatever those choices may be, at least make them from a place of concensus truth. the us has not done this for a long while now.
pop-sci gonna pop-sci
but, you know, it helps to moderate the terror of watching publically funded US science getting "fed into the woodchipper". perhaps it piques more general interest. idk. I am sad.
this machine...
the first massive red flag (among many) is the claim high fructose corn syrup is worse for you than e.g. cane sugar. any added sweetner is likely bad for you, but there is zero hard evidence that HFCS is somehow worse. you can find lots of easily readable information on this. here is an example.
what is true is that dirt cheap sweeteners like HFCS get put into dirt cheap, garbage "food". thats the real issue - but its not touched by this video.
as with any good propaganda there is a ribbon of truthiness through the video, but the video concludes with libertarian talking points about consumer choice regulating the market. bullshit! consumers generally buy whats available and what they are told to buy.
the video offers a completely biased and simplified view of societal interaction with large producers when a multitude of options are not only available, but needed.
as @just_[email protected] pointed out, this is pure maga entry-point pablum wrapped in a slickly produced, minimalist package designed to give you the "lets just talk, bro" vibe. its as destructive as the added sugar they claim to rail against.
humans (as opposed to AI summarizers), watch it if you wish, but recognize that this is not accidental propaganda - this is weaponized propoganda that begins the mental hijacking process and culminates in the shutting down of independent thinking.