
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 18 hours ago

Working hard increases the chances of success is a better way to phrase it but networking is basically a necessity and luck is paramount

[–] [email protected] 5 points 18 hours ago

Fentanyl isn’t as dangerous when you’ve been slamming dope every day for a decade, you might purposely seek it out at that point

He also got into Harvard law despite being by his own admission a total fuckup. If you or I spend our adolescence committing crime and doing drugs we don’t get to go to Harvard but rfk got rewarded for his continual shitty decisions with one of the most prestigious educations followed up by an elite career in law. I am sure it was not a secret he was using the entire time and yet he continued to fail upwards. At least at this point he did some good for the world. Too bad he’s undone it all and then some (another measles outbreak today in Kansas)

[–] [email protected] 27 points 21 hours ago (2 children)

He was actually a lawyer and was fairly well known for defending environmental causes, minority groups, and disenfranchised communities

If he didn’t take this turn later he probably would’ve been remembered as a fairly decent man who turned his life around (a former heroin addict) and did good things

Instead he is known who destroyed the country’s healthcare system. I personally don’t believe he was ever a former addict. I think he was a shitty child of extreme privilege (objectively true) who was an asshole that stole shit from people and sold drugs despite having access to extreme wealth in his teens (objectively true) and kept doing heroin until he finally got caught by someone who couldn’t sweep it under the rug late into his law career (objectively true). At this point he had been doing heroin 10+ years and apparently quit for good with one rehab stint (highly suspect).

Given his privilege and the timing (late 80s) I suspect he got access to a corrupt doctor that wrote him tons of adderall scripts and he just changed his addiction to something “legitimate” (conjecture). Maybe he cleaned himself up over the next 40 years and that’s why he now he has such a beef against adderall and psych meds now. Classic right wing projection: I can’t take these without slamming 25 a day and become a methd up zombie so I assume everyone is the same (also conjecture, obviously).

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Hard inquiries stay on your report for 2 years but stop impacting your credit after a year

It’s not a huge deal unless you’re planning to buy a car or a house or something relatively soon

You can dispute them but they were all legitimate so you might as well just wait, it’s not that long. Your score was excellent so unless you incur a ton of debt It shouldnt go down all that much. And again, unless you’re planning to do something that is contingent on your credit within the next year or two it doesnt really matter

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I got mine cheap from a local construction wholesaler I do some work with. They basically had a few extra that were ordered for a home build and let them go super cheap.

Toto is pricey and there are Chinese brands with the same feature sets now that didn’t exist when I got mine for significantly less. Toto does have excellent build quality - I’ve had mine for years, it’s worked flawlessly, easy to clean, etc, but you pay a premium for it

[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Based on the name I thought this was gonna be some platform to make homemade tofu more accessible to people and I was thinking “it’s really not all that hard to make, that’s kind of silly”

going after big nasoya

[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago (2 children)

I do own a house (finally got one in my late 30s) but part of what got me here is ignoring dental care (missing 2 teeth)

I would be missing three but I went to Costa Rica once for unrelated reasons and got an implant while I was there. Ruined my trip a little bit because getting an implant sucks but it was $750 vs $5100 in America (with pretty good insurance)

If you’re missing teeth for a long time (I’m pushing 8 years now) the rest of your teeth start moving around. It’s a real problem. Additionally once this happens missing teeth can exacerbate hip and back problems! Your jaw misaligns and then your posture gets fucked up

best country in the world

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Toto makes 120v/60hz models. I have one in the us. It’s the shit, highly recommend

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

That’s ritard, short for ritardando

Unless you meant a non chord tone resolving downwards but that’s retardation

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Somewhat misleading headline but still cool

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It’s a three way street though. Lazy consumers are to blame for enabling but bad companies are worse for having anti consumer practices to begin with. And the biggest failure of all is our government for allowing anti consumer behavior to run rampant and not allow any meaningful regulation to go through because they’re utterly corrupted and pro corporation.

In the “normies” defense in a functional society I shouldn’t have to research every purchase I make to ensure it is not hostile against me. However, we live in a dystopia where it is necessary to either manufacture your own foss solution or research for the purchasable option (that is often just the least hostile but still fairly hostile)

[–] [email protected] 43 points 3 days ago (5 children)

We have become so normalized to anti consumer behavior it doesn’t even matter anymore

Like it used to be that a videogame manufacturer charged for a dlc that was already on the game disc, you had to pay to unlock data that you technically had purchased but not licensed, and people threw a fucking fit. Now it’s like “this new tech device will only work if you insert $20 bills every 30 minutes” and people are like “oh well that sucks but what are you gonna do? I need a toaster that can send me a notification when my toast is done”

Fuck the companies that do anti consumer bullshit, fuck the youtuber dummies that normalize it because they got $50 and a free shitty printer, fuck the government that has completely failed to regulate anything, and fuck the dummies who constantly enable this nonsense because they refuse to spend 10 minutes researching their purchases and instead spend the rest of their life in credit card debt because they have $1100 in monthly subscriptions to stupid bullshit that makes their stuff work for 18 months until the company goes bankrupt, their device is bricked, and they replace it with another piece of shit that has the same anticonsumer bullshit

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