joined 2 years ago
Had?... HAD... what a ripoff!
Just tight enough to be little bit gay, with plausible deniability.
When people get bored of naming things in rural areas of Finland it's always something like cunt valley, ass hill , shit rock, ugly lake, piss river and there are ton of them, with same or similar names repeating.
Yes, we know
🥓🥓Maybe🍻🍻, but we have 🍸vodka🍸 and russian drinking habbits. All the sad people are dead.
It's A pony, not A BIT OF
Mom's cheap.
If Picard is in the corner, it's a sin.
Looks like escaped mental patient from the movie "Voyage of the Rock Aliens"
Well US has shitload of soy now
Too much Fox "news" will do that.
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