just gonna recommend for running a server that you use fabric with performance mods (lithium is the most important) instead of paper or similar server versions.
even if they add vibrant visuals to java I'll most likely stick to using photon and complementary shaders. But the new graphics honestly look so appealing stylistically to me, that it's a close match. If the new graphics are more compatible with different fancy modded effects that would definitely get me to use them in heavily modded scenarios.
the vision pro is the most laughable excuse for a product i've ever seen, over 3000 dollars for a VR headset that cant play games and cant connect to a PC is insane. its a glorified web browser that makes your face sweaty.
VR didn't fail, the industry just didn't understand it and thought they could create Ready Player One in real life. VR has, and always will be a gaming technology first and foremost, and will not replace flat screen games. it failed to capture a consumer base it was never mean't to appeal to.
look at either high end productivity mice, or MMO/RTS gaming mice. there is so many thousands of options for mice if you're willing to look.
I cannot tell you how many times I've had to help family members and friends "fix the sound" on their computers because they somehow changed their default audio output device without knowing it. I really wish people would just check their audio settings when they have a problem with it, instead of calling me to help every time.
does anyone actually see this and think it's heartwarming???
So basically there is different modified versions of Minecraft for different purposes. Paper is specifically for hosting non-modded servers on lower end machines, but it changes some systems of Minecraft in undesirable ways, and only supports simple "plugins". Paper and Forge are the popular "mod loaders", they are made to allow you to install mods to Minecraft, which includes mods like Lithium and Sodium that massively increase Minecraft's performance.
with the right combination of performance enhancing mods you can increase Minecraft's fps tenfold, without sacrificing any features or changing the gameplay. I run a massive custom modpack with tons of content and graphics mods, and it actually runs better than vanilla Minecraft because of the performance mods.
The performance mods I use for fabric are: Lithium, Sodium, Enhanced Block Entities, More culling, Ferrite Core, Immediately Fast, Modern Fix, Memory Leak Fix, Concurrent Chunk Management System, Noisium, Bad Optimizations, and Let Me Despawn.
There is plenty more performance mods out there that optimized more niche parts of the game, but these are the important ones (that I use). Lastly I don't think a VPS is necessary because Minecraft servers can usually be run on even low end hardware, like a raspberry pi.