basically how the BLJ in Mario 64 works
adding on to Noise, if you do end up in a situation where you're considering buying refurbished enterprise hard disks, know that they are louder than normal consumer drives, esp if you have 4 of them running at once in a NAS
ah yes when you get to the station and the announcements say "the next train to so-and-so has been cancelled, sorry for the inconvenience" Always a fun day
"Please just put the fries in the bag. I don't care about open source or that GNU is the operating system and Linux is the kernel or whatever you're yappin about!"
Thats pretty cool. Using steam pistons to help compress the fuel enough for fusion, from which that heat gets used to make different steam to then make electricity.
Stop & Shop in the US does this (or at least it did? I never used it so I barely pay attention to it lol). There's like a wall of handheld scanners you can pick up when you enter and a little place on the cart for them to go in. You can scan and bag your stuff as you go and then pay at a special register.
if there's one thing I know, its a large pepperoni with extra cheese will fix me
I swear some companies design engines to just be put together once and that's it. Absolute nightmare to service.
could also be an Audi owner doing timing work on one of those engines with the timing chain at the back of the engine
Thats so cute!!! Become one with the tree
That is a pretty great picture!
man i was staring so hard at the community name and the source and hoping they would both change to "The Onion"
This is just incredibly sad