Yes. To allow a third term; if the president have not served two consecutive ones.
Germany is the 2nd / 3rd largest contributor with about €15 billion. And you bring up 5000 helmets? That’s just pathetic and false.
Also, make sure to use per capita numbers.
It’s the size really. As with most social media platforms, often they are fairly easy to create (YouTube definitely isn’t, but many could). Problem is that it’s impossible to compete with, because people expect the activity you get from hundreds of millions of users.
Same goes for Twitter, Reddit and whatnot. Since capitalism took over the internet completely, basically none of the large plattforms have been outcompeted really.
To big to fail isn’t the banks nowadays, well then to, but it’s IT as well.
So was Hitler, Chavez, Erdogan among others. This take is so blind to history it’s absurd. Facists are often elected democratically.
And they do stage coups. Hitler did, Marcos did in the Philippines, Fujimori in Peru, as well as Chavez and Erdoğan.
It sounds like they are exercising their contingency plan
Any organization or company losing their by far largest member / customer will be severely affected. Not all to much to learn from that, if they weren’t - they’d be running the organization like morons.
50% is decent, if it had any idea of when it actually was correct or not. But 50% is not very good, when the 50% that’s faulty, results in it going of on a long tangent spewing lies. Lies that are incredibly real looking, takes immense knowledge or huge amounts of time to check.
If you’re well versed enough in the subject to spot the lies, you likely wont get much help from AI. And if you aren’t, well, you’re going to be learning a lot of incorrect information. Or spend ridiculous amount of times fact checking.
Works a bit like that for software developing at the moment. AI is incredibly at spewing out code quickly. But the time won by copying it, is lost looking for errors that are extremely well hidden.
That might be true. But the solution to that, is not ”move further to the left” or ”wait for the right to fuck up”. It’s then to help people not to be afraid, to educate them.
I very much hope you’re right, but I’ve seen this trend for over 20 years in Sweden now. With basically zero indication it’s turning.
Just getting worse.
Have I said anything else? My point was that there seem to be few indications of the people actually wanting leftist politics, and leftist leaders.
Have a hard time grasping such a thing would not have leaked. With evidence. If it was that widespread.
Do they though? Even leftist countries are drawing towards right wing extremists.
There are few places were leftist policies and leaders are doing well… and sure, they don’t exist in the US. But they do at many other places.
I mean barely… Most bank offices in Sweden do not handle cash at all.