We also don't know how common over the counter Tylenol and Advil work.
It's old enough to vote.
A moment in Trek history even darker than the days of Enterprise.
Lol, almost. There's as much post processing sanding and painting time left as it took a machine to print it for you.
I can't wait for someone to call the writers and editors of Jewish Currents anti-semites.
We don't need another Reagan ruining the future for us.
Well there's two there that should have an alliance against one of them.
This man cannot be trusted to oversee the transition of power in this country.
All they have is performative politics.
Most conservatives that react to this kind of stuff seem to boycott hygiene products already.
The hilarious part is without context that all seems completely insane, but with context it's the moment in the movie where everything suddenly makes sense. In fact, his reaction running around yelling for tech support is because he finally understands what's been happening to him.
Haha, his supports being asked to write.