I have to say I only put the url in freshrss, and magic happened. Fresh found https://www.badspacecomics.com/blog-feed.xml
Only two so far. A followed a few french one, but they stopped or don't match with what I want : (argentique2.2, Clement Blin, AnalogYou.
Emulsive, more to keep tracks of past articles, and analog.cafe. On the site, some paywall, but via FreshRSS and ReadYou, I seem able to read the entire of the articles. I'll take 35mmc, but if you find more, I'll be interested :)
For automation : [](Let's POWER Automate), SPGuides and SPLighbulb moments.
Also, but not via RSS, but via youtube : Reza Dorrani, Sharepoint Maven, Pragmatic Works, Academy 365.
Well, managed by the great FreshRSS and read via the beautiful Read You android app (french here, so some sites won't ring a bell to most):
- geek : a few on warhammer 40k and miniature painting, some tech related (like official android website, journaldugeek, korben, clubic, le café du geek, MariusHosting, selfh.st, and some others)
- webcomics : badspace, getcomics, questionablecontent (well, used to, it doesn't work anymore), work chronicles, and of course xkcd
- pro : stuff related to laws and compliance, but also stuff related to automation in MS3652 environment ('cause I'm lazy AF, and if I can automatize it, let's do it !)
- hobbies : warhammer (again) and analog photography related stuff, but very few, I should expand that list.
Seems quite convenient for small shooters (like me). I'll wait to see the build quality (I have no experience with Lomo products).
Definitly look at pinchflat. Does exactly this. :) Easy to set up, and it runs so smoothly !
Definitly, and people who write those soft are my magic heroes ! :)