I would prefer this than headlines like
“Nepal slammed Russia and said this…”
I would prefer this than headlines like
“Nepal slammed Russia and said this…”
If technology exists they will 100% implement that ads will keep repeating unless there are people in the room. The active listening devices already record every data they can and it’s only a matter of time before they can accurately conclude if the room is empty or occupied.
We heat water molecules in air.
Not really a world war until 10 countries are actively involved with 2 of them USA and China.
Right now usa is passive and china is not involved.
Unless someone WANTS to get pregnant. Then, apparently, life is too stupid to find a way.
Most of these middle eastern countries are not democratic and what their population thinks doesn’t matter. USA can’t take any actions against climate change specifically because of its citizens.
Also USA is at the center of power where it can do a lot of improvements but choose not to. So it’s natural that USA should bear the brunt of criticism.
Nah. Americans are still at deep end of denial of human involvement.
Regulations are the only thing that can enforce corporations to do the right thing every time. Free market might make them do it every now and then.
Example: do you want free market to (maybe) decide on use of asbestos and lead in fuel or regulations against them right away?
And how do you pronounce giraffe? Giant?
Disagree on richest since most of his value (like everyone else on these lists) is from his stock portfolio.
The actual richest and most powerful people rarely are on these lists.
Also certain “govts” and authorities who control oil are the ones who most dislike services like twitter so…
Take a print out