Possible, that kinda happened in between the request and me posting the pic.
Let's start with !eroticphoto and go from there. I think the hentai subs are going to keep me on my toes until I can get some sort of automated tool going, so I'd prefer to keep the load light for now.
No, that's a rule clarification which I posted in both hentai comms I mod after nuking a particularly egregious post. Y'know I went into this modding thing with a high degree of tolerance for the presumption that stuff isn't loli. Good god is the fucking brazenness of some of these posts getting on my nerves. Fuck anything I said criticizing the rules as too strict, crack the door open an inch and the pedos will waltz right in.
I am too, which is why I've put up posts looking for people to take over my hentai communities. Looking up characters is not practical. I went through !hentai to test it out. Ended up reporting about 1 in every 5 posts. Unfortunately, unless the rules change, which I doubt they will, I think running a hentai community on here has just become intractable unless you have like 4 or 5 people dedicated to each individual community.
I would however be glad to have additional moderators on there, with that said, if you'd like to help out