Considering how the president represents her people, I'm not surprised. Mexicans do oppose to the Palestine genocide by the Israel military forces. It's obviously not unanimous, some pro-Israel genocide state people do exist.
Hey, true! Thanks!
I do have a subscription but I don't think it's got a lot of value. Severance, then we'll see you next year.
Reaganomics! SMH.
Underappreciated work, but thank you so much for doing it and for involving yourself in further education, more so knowing the costs.
Yesterday, I lost a reply to you because my instance was failing. It's heartbreaking how the Cold War keeps affecting you in America. It's like your government can't even realize they won. I find it an atrocity that you only can study if you are rich or if you sell your soul to them.
Trying to exceed them? Trying? Try again.
Is this an intuition, or is it a known fact? Why would people do this? Do universities teach people to discriminate this way? Where do employers get these ideas? Is it something that permeates the whole society, or is it focused to applicant selection? Sorry for the many questions, I appreciate your response.
So, basically, as a regular (not rich) young person, you are aiming for a higher chance to connect with rich people in order to get a job/business that will probably get you enough money to cash on the "investment" made by getting an otherwise potentially for-life debt? Huh, rings a bell here. Thank you.
Could you explain to non-Americans what is the appeal of student loans if they can do this? Why shouldn't people go to cheaper schools to get their degrees instead? I mean no disrespect, if you are rich go to Yale or whatever, by all means.
I wonder if they get their spirits up with the sound of the exploding and the sights of the smoke columns.
My God, this is beyond sad.