
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

The answer depends of the reference point. I was born in Russia (I'm living abroad from 2022) and compared to the putin's dictatorship US is a democracy. You guys still have a freedom of speech, not fake opposition to Trump and independent courts. From the other side, most of the countries are democracies if compared to Russia..

[–] [email protected] 63 points 2 months ago (21 children)

To be honest I do not see any reason to use Lineage with Pixel while there is GrapheneOS... But maybe there will be some users of it: it is always better to have more free open OS

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

It is a good question who are "authorities" on the occupied territories. It looks like for Meta authorities are the occupation force. How people should free themselves from the occupation forces?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

The benefit is digital privacy. It is especially important at the modern time when every financial org is greedy collecting data about it's customers and trying to monetize it. A good alternative for cash (cash is private too because allows to hide the destination of my spendings). Why digital privacy is not a valid use?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

And that is very strange for me. Under the news about AI-search from OpenAI I asked about comparison with AI-search from Kagi, but got a lot of downvotes and a link to the post where the author express his negative opinion about AI.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (3 children)

My question was about benefits of openai search compared to kagi search. How is this link related to my question?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 months ago (8 children)

What are benefits of using openai search when we already have Kagi that is much more privacy a friendly, is ads free and provides the same functionality?

[–] [email protected] 22 points 4 months ago (1 children)

What do you think, how long should we wait until the overflow in the debts database makes the value negative?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

It supports via GMS sandbox. So, I can install google camera, maps, bank app, insta360 app, an app for my bike computer, etc. But in that case I prefer to use Proton VPN that hides my real IP from all these apps and also block some tracker endpoints.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (3 children)

I have Pixel with GrapheneOS and I tried most of FOSS camera apps, but all of them are still far behind the GCam. I hope one day there will be a good replacement, but not today.

I'm using Organic / OsmAnd for most of use cases and daily navigation. But if you need to find a specific office, shop, food or ATM nearby you still need GMap from time to time...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (5 children)

And for the latter problem, don't use such apps except in closed environments or without internet access.

While that is a right answer, I do not want to avoid such apps because I need them. I need my mobile bank app, I need google camera, sometimes I need Google maps, etc. For me using VPN to hide my real IP from greedy apps and to hide DNS requests from the cracked public WiFi is still a good tradeoff between security, privacy and my own user experience.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago (7 children)

But most spots don't have the resources or expertise to analyze and sell or otherwise misuse your logs.

Most spots don't have also the resources or expertise to secure their own spot. As I remember, cheap routers used in public places may contain a lot of vulnerabilities.

encrypted DNS

Will it help me if I'm using LbreTorrent do download piracy content on my phone? Or how it would help me to hide my location from mobile apps that extract location from IP?


After reading such news I have an obvious question. Does anyone know a PayPal-like service, that allows to hide the destination of my transactions from Mastercard / bank, but with a good privacy policy? Or how else can I restrict the usage of my financial data by mastercard or bank?


I have my personal blog, made with Hugo and hosted on GitHub pages. Initially I did not turn on any kind of web tracking / web analytics, because I do not like tracking at all. But I want to make my blog better and to achieve it, I need a feedback loop about traffic. For example, what are the most popular publications, or how many people view my blog from mobile devices, etc.

So, my question is, what is the most appropriate (ot the less evil) way to track a web traffic?

An answer "there is no good way to do it without breaking user's privacy" is acceptable too, I did not decide yet turning on the analytics. Instead I'm interested in an opinion of the community.

Thanks in advance!


The photo is just for the cover :)

Has anyone cycled through Bosnia and Herzegovina? I'm planning my next solo trip and I'm thinking of going from Belgrade to Sarajevo, crossing the border at Bajina Basta Water Power Plant one way, after visiting Sarajevo it looks like I can cross the border at Bijelina. Most of the videos on YouTube are about cycling back through Croatia, but this is not an option for me due to visa restrictions... The whole route (~700km with +-8500m of altitude difference) looks like an interesting challenge and a great opportunity to get to know BiH.

But I have a lot of general questions about road quality, driver culture in relation to cyclists, water accessibility, etc. I'm also worried about the mountains near Sarajevo: from the border to Sarajevo and from Sarajevo to Tuzla. How good are these mountain roads for cycling? Is it possible to zigzag on the most difficult climbs?

Thanks in advance!


Hello, community! I saw in one video that tires and wheel weight are critical for the fast cycling. But how important is it for the tourism? For example, I'm using "hard" slick tires from Kenda (on the photo) that are great for asphalt roads and are very strong against small stones, plant spines and glasa pieces. The problem is weight about 600g (700x32c). I also have 700x32c soft and lightweight gravel tires with only 300g weight. But how important is it for cycling if I have about 10 additional kilograms of bags on top of my bike when I go into a long trip? Does it make sense to lose the durability and dril resistance of Kenda Kwest 700x32c for decreasing the weight of tires twice? Thanks in advance!


I was going to upgrade my bike (Decathlon Triban 100) and ordered the whole new groupset (Shimano SORA). It will be delivered soon, so my question is how hard is the replacing process? It is not a problem to pay in local bike service for the replacement but I'm also interested in trying by myself. I have a repairment kit and all the things, I like to make some maintenance of bike by mysleft but I didn't do so complex maintenance before.


Is there any android app or web app with movie ratings and reviews? Android app would be better. Alternative to imdb? I want to be able to fast check the rating of movie or list of actors. I know about wikipedia app but it's interface is not focused on movies. Thanks in advance!


Hi there!

I'm relatively new to anarchism, so I'd like to ask a few questions. I was very inspired by the book by F. Hayek (The Road to Serfdom) which changed my mind and convinced me why regulation doesn't work. Before this book I believed in the world trend towards regulation for the common good. Now I'm looking for a more general book on why government doesn't work at all. What can you recommend? I'm an engineer and prefer more economic and less philosophical books (like one by F. Hayek). Is there anything like that?

And more generally, what is the general opinion on private property in the anarchist community? I tried to google it but found controversial views. I know there are left-wing (Geoism/Georgism?) and right-wing (anarcho-capitalism?), but I think there should be something common about the property question...

Thanks in advance!

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