Impeachment number three would be wild, but let's be realistic. It's gonna happen, anyway.
Charlie Murphy coined it best: habitual line stepper
Browneye triggered the power of Grayskull.
Getting five employee accounts on record is impressive.
There is not a zero-risk of retaliation.
That's the thing about autocratic rule.
Once enacted, your say is forfeit and you survive only by mercy of the state.
It's important to remember that the Italians and the Irish were treated as a low rung of American society not all that long ago.
They are legitimate victims of the brunt of American hate.
Read the fucking Mueller Report. Both volumes.
Volume I is conspiracy and coordination.
Volume II is obstruction of justice.
Innocent people do not act like this.
Edit: spelling
Authoritarian Left sounds bad too, but it would nice if they executed the rule of law instead of making excuses to remain politically neutral.
And now Russia plays... Steven Seagal.
Time to play meedley-meedley on the thin strings and small frets.
He will sit so hard.
All one in the same.
If one doesn't support a woman's right to choose, they are taking away her autonomy. The face doesn't matter. It is war.
No /s needed. They've been waging war on women.
They feel this way.
Impeachment number three would be wild, but let's be realistic. It's gonna happen, anyway.
Charlie Murphy coined it best: habitual line stepper